Better? Better.

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Yeah, sixth chapter.

I'm on a roll!

Oh, and I forgot to mention, Belated Happy Easter!

I don't own TMNT, enjoy! :)

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My hands were chained.

I couldn't see a thing, but I knew I was in a cell.

Tears prickled my eyes. They were going to make me have babies, they were going to... to...

I couldn't bring myself to say it again. My fingers curled around the only reassurance I have.

It was a test tube, the one thing that Shredder had let me keep. Why a test tube? Well, it reminds me of the experiments in my lab, how Mikey keeps making things explode, how Leo keeps trying to make sure I don't hurt myself, and how Raph keeps teasing me on how much of a nerd I am.

The only thing I regret on doing this myself is that I never got the chance to bid my brothers goodbye, or to say I'm sorry for doing this.

I feel like a terrible sibling.

Then, I heard the cell being opened, but I couldn't move. The light shone in, making me temporarily blind.

Once I adjusted to the lighting, I can vaguely see Fishface's figure pushing a boy into the cell with me.


He was thrown to the ground and he had a painful bruise on his head. I winced, immediately felt bad for him. I was guessing it was Karai that punched him, judging by the small hand shaped slap on his right cheek.

He groaned in pain, and I pushed forward to console him, but my chains prevented me to.

Casey coughed up some blood before looking up at me. "Donnie? Wha-what are you... d-doing here?"

His voice, he was hurt real, real bad. The Shredder kept his word, Casey lived, but nothing in the note that he wasn't going to be beaten up.

"Do-Donnie," his tone were stern. "look at me."

I lifted my chin ever so slightly, but I didn't dare look at him in the eye, I didn't want him to see the damage they have done to me, and I definitely didn't want him to feel guilty.

"Look at me. In my eyes."

My bottom lip trembled. The chocolate brown orbs that I owned refused to listen to my brain and met a darker pair of eyes staring at me.

A gasp of surprise escaped his lips as he crawled towards my limp and barely conscious body.

Casey gave me a hug and I couldn't do anything but hug him back. I sobbed quietly while he whispered soothing words in my ear slit.

I hiccuped and gripped his shirt, which was tattered and torn. He winced, which did not go unnoticed by me. I pulled away from his embrace and narrowed my eyes.

"Casey," I muttered. "What did they do to you?"

He stayed quiet. This time it was him who didn't look at me in the eye.

I sighed. Casey was more stubborn than I am, so it was no use to try to make him tell me what the Shredder and what Karai did to him.

I looked down on his shirt, and I gasped. Crimson was pouring out, a large wound covering half of his stomach area. I felt my plastron and realized it was wet with his blood.

His blood.

God, that sounded wrong. So wrong.

I gestured to his sleeves and asked, "Do you mind?"

Casey managed a small grin and chuckled. "Wh-why not? My shirt's already c-covered in holes."

I let a quiet giggle out and went to work.

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"There." I looked up at him hopefully. "Better?"

The vigilante smiled at me. "Better. Th-thanks for the help, Gaptooth."

"No problem, Cavemouth."

It was silent for a few moments. At the corner of my eye, I saw him giving me a strange look. I shot him a glare.


"Nothing... you're voice sounds different." My eyes widened. I forgot, I was faking the tone of my voice, too. Now, it sounded more like a feminine one.


"Nah, just messing with you." He smirked. "I already know."

"You know?" I squeaked.

"Yeah, what, did you think that Karai wouldn't tell me that you're actually a girl?"

I gulped. His face inches from mine. My heart started beating rapidly, and I momentarily forgot all the injuries I have.

"And she also told me about the fact that you..." He licked his lips. "Liked me?"

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Yes, I know that I'm a monster for ending it here.

But, I didn't know what to put in for Danni's reaction.

XD Sorry.

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