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Yeah, I feel really sleepy, but I wanted to continue this. So here y'all go. :)

And plus, I'm kinda feeling emotional right now. RIP PAUL WALKER!!

I don't own TMNT, enjoy their reactions!

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"What do you mean you're female?!"

I flinched as Raph roared at me. I knew that he would shout, but I didn't know it would get this loud.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?!" Tears stung my wide eyes. Of course we had our arguments, but... but it never got this bad. He never shouted at me. Ever.

"Raph... I-" And suddenly, my view of him was blocked. It was as if I grew shorter, and everyone else around me became skyscrapers.

"Don't you touch her." Casey growled. I tugged on his arm.

"Case, don't." I whispered. He ignored my warning and held me close, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Everyone else (except Sensei and April) simply gaped at he kissed my cheek. Casey glared at my terrapin brother in red.

"Why would you shout at her?" He demanded. "She just told you guys something that she was afraid to tell you all these years!"

Raph looked guilty, which made me guilty. Maybe I shouldn't have told them. But Casey continued his scolding.

"She was afraid you weren't gonna accept her! That you were gonna treat her differently! Why can't you just not yell at everyone around you for doing nothing to you?! You always put the blame on someone else and not you!"

The black haired human panted as he stopped ranting. I laid a hand on his shoulder, and it seemed like he immediately calmed down.

"Casey, stop it, Cavemouth." I glared lightly. He raised an eyebrow.

"Did you get shorter?"

"Shut up!"

"What? You look so cute!" He grinned.

"Stop it!" I whined.

"What if I don't wanna?"

I blinked at him and started to hit his chest and shoulders repeatedly.

"Ow! Ow... Okay! I'm sorry! Stop hitting me- ow! -woman! I'M SORRY! OW!!"

"Take it back!"

"Fine, fine, you're not cute!" I smirked triumphantly. "You're adorable!"

My right eye twitched. "CASEY JONES!!"

"Normally, Donnie would take that as a compliment." Mikey muttered.

Casey hid behind April. "Save me." The half mutant shook her head. "Nope, you have to suffer her wrath alone."

"But, but-!"

"Hey," April shrugged. "Your girlfriend, your problem."

I growled. "I'm giving you five seconds to run. 5... 4..."

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"Ow ow ow..." Casey groaned.

I chuckled. "Oh, shush. If you didn't comment about me getting shorter, you wouldn't have had the bruise I gave you."

"But it hurts!" He whined. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

The vigilante gulped. "Forget I said anything."

"Good boy." I continued nursing to his 'ouchie', as he called it. And sometimes I wonder to myself how I could ever fall for him. He's as immature as Mikey! Well, he's more of a flirt, but still!

I furrowed my eyebrows. "All done. Now please, try not to anger me again? So you won't get hurt?"

"How can I not anger you? We're practically opposites!"

"Opposites attract." I retorted. "And just compliment me the whole day."

"You look pretty."

"That's a good start."

"Donnie?" I turned around. My two eldest brothers were looking apologetically at me. "Could we talk to you? Alone?"

I sighed. "Fine. But this better be good."

Casey shot me a worried look, but I gave him a small peck on the cheek and smiled. I knew that he trusted my decisions. I watched as he got up and walked towards the kitchen, where he couldn't hear us.


"It's Danni." I cut Leo off. Gosh, how many times do I have to say this? "It's short for Daniella."

"Danni. Look, we're sorry for-"

"For what? Shouting at me? Not accepting who I truly am? You don't have to apologize. I know that you want Donnie back." I glared. "News flash, babe. He's not coming home. Or ever again."

"It's not that." Raph looked at me with guilty eyes. "It's not Leo who needs to say something to you. It's me. I'm sorry for shouting at you. For not accepting you. For everything I did back there. I admit, I was angry you didn't tell us, that you didn't trust us. But, I was scared. I was scared about the fact that you don't trust me. You... You know I love you guys to death, and I hate when you keep something from me. I jus-just wanna-"

"Say no more, Raph." I hugged him. "I know what you're trying to say. I forgive you."

I could hear him smirking. "Good. Now, about you and Casey..."

"Don't ban him from the lair!" I blurted out.

"I wasn't gonna say that. I was gonna say," Raph moved closer to my ear slit, "use protection."


Leo chuckled. "This is going to be enjoyable."

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