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Yeah, third chapter.

I seem inspired this week XD.

Anyway, I don't own TMNT in any way, and enjoy! :)

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Who knew that pillow fights could be tiring?

I was covered in feathers all over, some of them stuck in places I'd rather not mention. April herself was very tired, and she fell asleep right after I collapsed on the floor in exhaustion.

I stayed there for a few more minutes before carrying the red head to her bed and tucking her in.

Hey, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't be strong.

My notes were scattered across her table and gathered them, too lazy to arrange them in order. Before leaving, I checked the clock on the wall and my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

It was 6:48 AM.

I was late for training!

I disregarded the whole 'I'm a ninja, I mean, kunoichi, and I should be stealthy and quiet' thing, dashed towards the nearest manhole and jumped in.

My feet splashed the dirty water below but I didn't mind. I was too focused on getting home. The voices of my brothers were getting nearer and nearer, and I can hear Raph yelling 'MIKEY!!' and my younger brother laughing uncontrollably.

As I entered, Leo jumped down from the pipes and raised an eyebrow at me. "Where were you?"

I gulped. Sensei was gone, I forgot. Leo was in charge while he was out. But where to, I didn't know.

"Ah, um, hey, Leo. I-I-I... Was out."


"At my house!" I turned around.

April was still covered in feathers, but she was able to tame some of her hair. And she was panting slightly, I think she ran here. The half mutant smiled apologetically at Leo and winked at me.

I get it, she was covering me.

"I was experimenting in my room for a project in school and I asked Donnie to come over to help me."

Raph narrowed his eyes. "Why are you two covered in feathers, then?"

"The experiment involved feathers, okay?"

My brother in blue looked at both of us and sighed. "Fine, but tell me next time you're going out."

"Wait, dudes," Mikey separated us. "I was in Donnie's room before he left. He was jumpy, and I suspected something was wrong." He smirked at me cheekily. "I remember mentioning Donnie asking out a certain girl..."

April shot me a pointed look, but the others didn't notice. I chuckled nervously.

"You asked her out? In the middle of the night?" Raph grinned and bumped my shoulder. "Donnie, you dog!"

A T-Phone suddenly rang out. It was Raph's. He groaned and answered it. "Hold up, Casey's calling."

The red head stifled a laugh beside me, and I nudged her. She looked up at me and winked. I glared.

Raph went into the dojo to talk in private, but seconds later he came running back in, his eyes were wide like he received shocking news.

And shocking news did he receive.

"Casey's been kidnapped!"

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*le gasp* Casey's kidnapped!

What is the gang gonna do?

What is Danni gonna do?

Find out in the next chapter!

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