One Epic Fight

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In case you guys didn't know, this is not the chapter for the wedding


I don't own TMNT, enjoy! :)

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I was planning the wedding.

Everything was perfect. After the wedding, Casey and I would go on our honeymoon, which was in Canada. When we come back, we would be taking care of little Onx, training her into becoming a kunoichi.

Eventually, in a few years, she would go topside at age fifteen like my brothers and I.

And I would be, what, 31?

Anyway, back to planning. Casey really wanted to have the wedding in an inc rink, and so we are. I was going to wear a full on purple dress. It had ruffles and gems and...

Overall it looked beautiful.

But, we all know who's going to be the flower girl. Onx.

I already had her dress right after the moment Casey proposed. Apparently, Auntie April bought it for her. It was white on top and at the bottom it was puffy and purple.

I just couldn't believe it. I was going to get married.

But we all know, that every perfect day has its troubles and downfalls.

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"Just a bit... Yeah! Yeah, right there, right there."

Decorations. Can someone say 'UGH'?

It was literally the hardest thing to do in the wedding. Since we were having it at an ice rink, I was always slipping and sliding every now and then.

I legs wobbled. Uh-oh.

I slid and was waiting for the contact on my butt to come, but it never did. I opened my shut eyes and saw Leo holding me up (YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE JONES, JUST ADMIT IT!!).

"Casey was right, you do have a knack for falling," he commented. I punched his shoulder.

"Shut up."

My big brother helped me get on my feet and gave me the checklist I was holding.

What? I come in prepared.

"Dan?" I looked to my side. Leo was smiling at me, and it was pretty contagious, so I smiled back.

"This is it. Your getting married, everyone and everything's settling down, and life cannot be better." He took a deep breath. "I'm just... I'm happy for you. Mutants rarely find love, even more so with humans, and I know that's a fact."

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "That is a fact Leo, but maybe you could just take that rare chance. I mean, look at Casey and I, we found love." (RIGHT WHERE WE ARE!!!)

"And made love," he teased.

"Shut up, I'm trying to have a moment, here! What I'm trying to say is, maybe the girl you'll fall in love with is closer than you think." I winked. "She may be just a room away."

Leo's eyes widened. "Miwa?"

"You're not blood related, are you?"


"Then get to it, lover boy!" I pushed him forward towards Miwa, and he smiled sheepishly at her.

Let's just say that she smiled back.

It feels good to be Cupid.

I could've danced my infamous victory dance, but then the window exploded.

Wait, WHAT?!

"Did you miss me, turtles?" Tiger Claw snarled. Fishface, Rahzar, and Stockman were all behind him.

"How about a 'no', Tigger, or whatever your name is," Casey glared. "I'm taking you down!"

While Casey fought the tiger, I was back to back with Mikey and surrounded by footbots. He was hacking and slicing his way out, and I kept cutting off the bot's heads with my naginata.

Suddenly, I was throw back into a wall. I groaned in pain, I think I cracked my shell. I looked up to see a pink and fish-like face smirking at me.

"DANNI!" Casey screamed. "You leave my fiancé alone!"

"Fiancé?" Fishface smirked. "You proposed? Oh, this is good."

He lifted me up by my bandana and held a knife in front of my chest. "If you don't surrender, turtles. I will stab her in the heart."

My eyes widened. I looked at Leo.

"Don't do it," I whispered.

"Silence, girl!" The mutant fish moved his knife to my shoulder and jabbed it in. I screamed.

"Now, throw down your weapons," Rahzar ordered. "Or else."

It was silent for a few terrifying seconds.

Then, I heard the sound of metal clanking. Leo had dropped his swords. Raph followed suite, then Mikey, and April. Casey was the last one to surrender, but he, against his will, dropped his hockey stick to the floor.

"Alright, we surrendered," He gritted out. "Now let her go."

Stockman let out a gassy laugh. "You really think we would let her go?"

In one swift motion, Fishface grabbed two of his knives and stabbed me in the chest.

I nearly blacked out from the pain, and I could barely hear anything but my family's screams, but I was able to register someone kicking my side.

My pulse was slowing down, and I knew, everyone knew this one fact.

I was going to die.

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