Secret's Out

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Hehe, time to reveal the big secret to her bros!

How do you think will they react? Badly?

Too bad for you, though! That's next chapter! XD

And BTW people, thanks SO MUCH for the 300+ views! I love you all!


I don't own TMNT, enjoy! :)

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We were back in the lair, sitting on the couch.

Leo, Mikey, and Raph found us in the cell and they dragged us all the way home. Not literally.

Once we arrived, they got to work on cleaning our wounds. April got to tend to Casey, and I admit, I was a bit jealous because I wanted to be the one caring for him. But then I realized that she would never do a thing like that to me.

... Would she?

And to top all that, I was kinda nervous. I knew that Master Splinter, April, and Casey were going to make me tell my siblings the truth about me.

That I'm not actually their brother.

"Just relax, love. Loosen up," Casey muttered.

"Do I look relaxed to you?" It was true, I was very tense and I avoided eye contact, or any contact at all, with my brothers for the next few hours.

Oh, and how was I gonna tell them that Casey and I are together? They would most probably freak out over the fact that I'm dating their human vigilante friend and they wouldn't let me date him and they would never let him in the lair again and I wouldn't ever see him again and-

"Danni, breath." The black haired boy grinned lightly. A pink blush settled on my cheeks.

"How'd you know I was mentally rambling?" I asked.

"I just know." I punched his shoulder. He knows that I hated not knowing stuff.

And now, coming up, Space Heroes!

I groaned. "Oh, great. It's that show."

I might have forgotten to mention that my personality will be more Raph-ish today because my body is shedding the lining of the uterus and the blood flows from there and out of my body through a small opening. And, I held in my mood swings from before when I first received it while so. Don't understand? I'll make it shorter.

I'm on my period.

Yeah, whoop-dee-doo. Now, after I tell my brothers that I'm female, I have to wear the napkins I got. Don't ask me how, I just did, okay?

I heard the human beside me sigh. He nudged my shoulder and handed me painkillers. I smiled at him in thanks and he winked at me.

I moaned as the painkillers did their job and let my head fall on Casey's chest. He held me tight and I cuddled closer.

"Hey Danni," he whispered.


"Be my girlfriend?" I nearly chocked on my saliva. "Is that a yes?"

I giggled and pecked his lips. "Yup."

I wonder how Leo, Raph, and Mikey will react to all this...

"If you're wondering how your brothers will react, Danni, I'm guessing that they'll all be shell-shocked."

That voice was not Casey's. It was April's.

"Now I'm really starting to doubt that you're not psychic." I murmured. The red headed girl sent me a small smile, but then her expression turned serious.

"It's time."

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"Now, you are most probably wondering why I have gathered you all here."

Master Splinter looked down at the annoyed, excited, and neutral faces of his three sons. I'm pretty sure you can guess which is which.

"Your sibling has something very important to say to you. Listen attentively." Mikey snapped his head towards Sensei and grinned sheepishly.

I gulped and stepped forward. Leo was raising an eyebrow at me, and I'm pretty sure he noticed how Master described me as their 'sibling' and not their 'brother'. He was suspicious.

I smiled nervously, but right beside the door of the dojo, I saw my two human friends.

April gave me a thumbs up while my sweet boyfriend sent a flying kiss. I couldn't send one back, everyone was watching me.

I know that more company meant that I was supposed to get more nervous, but seeing the people that know my secret support me through this, it gave me a boost of confidence.

"Guys, I have something to tell you," I started. "It may not be what you expect, heck, I'm sure it's nothing you expect, but please don't hate me for this.

"We were all raised thinking that we are all the same. Same genetics, same time of mutation, and same gender." I paused, "But what you don't know is that we are not all the same as you think we are. Yeah, we were mutated at the same time, but we are not blood related. We all have different mothers."

Everyone except Master Splinter widened their eyes. I knew that I told April and Casey about being female, but this they did not know.

"So... we are not brothers?" Mikey whispered, poor guy. I think he lost a part of his happiness.

Another thing that's your fault, a voice echoed.

Shut up!! I mentally screamed.

"That's not all. While the four of us turtles were still trapped in that pet store, the pet manager failed to check our genders. He mistook us all as male. One of us... one of us is not male."

"What, so they're bi?" Mikey joked lightly, but even he knew that this was serious.

"No, Mikey. One of us is female."

My three brothers looked at each other. "I'm not female!" They shouted in unison.

I sighed and face palmed. I can't believe they didn't catch up yet. And this is Leo and Raph we are talking about. It's kinda understandable that Mikey didn't get it.

"Guys, none of you is the girl!" I snapped. "I am!"

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