A Little Gift

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Hey guys!

This chapter's gonna be about Dan-dan and her little gift for her boyfriend. BUT I'm not telling you what it is, so read to find out!

I don't own TMNT, enjoy! :)

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I crept into the dojo.

It was really late, and Casey was out like a light. But I couldn't get a wink of sleep.

I wanted to talk to someone, and I wanted them to understand me, and someone who understands my boyfriend and his needs.

I know exactly who that person (turtle) is.

My big brother, Raphael.

Casey is Raph's best friend, they're almost always together when it comes to fighting. I figured that if I need some advice from someone who knows my boyfriend more than I do, I figured I should go to him.

As I entered the dojo, I saw the green-eyed turtle punching the crap out of the... well, punching bag.

"R-Raph?" I stammered. "Can we... talk?"

My brother in red turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "What is is that ya need, Dan?"

Dan. That was his nickname for me. It seemed as if Danni was still a handful for Raph, so he made me a new nickname. Kinda surprising, since Mikey's the one who names things around here.


"Excuse me?"

"Advice about Casey, doofus."

Raph sighed and placed his sais back in his belt. "Alright, what's the occasion?"

I huffed. "Fine, it's our three month anniversary soon and I still don't know what to give him."

"Seriously?" He asked. "You've been dating for almost three months and you still don't know what he likes?"

"He doesn't like expressing his emotions, okay?"

Raph nodded. "Maybe you can... give him something hockey related. He loves hockey, doesn't he?"

I bit my lip. "Yeah, he loves to play it in school."

My big bro's eyes widened. "That's it!"

"What's it?"

He leaned in and whispered his plan in my ear. And, I admit, it was pretty good.

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*A few days later*

"Goal! And Casey Jones scores!"

I yelled and cheered for my boyfriend since he was the one scoring all the time for his team, but I was careful enough not to let him see me. My present for him was wrapped and sitting under my seat.

I was obviously in my human form, and I was wearing the black booty shorts I borrowed from April and a purple tank top I bought online. The grey and white striped jacket I borrowed from one of April's friends was tied around my waist. I was deliberately trying to make myself seem sexier because it was all part of my present for him.

"Roosevelt High wins! Again!"

I screamed and hugged the person sitting beside me, which happened to be a flustered sophomore. I let go, and while everyone was busy cheering, I snuck down under the bleachers. I waited until only the hockey players and I were the last ones in the court.

The players were too busy high-fiving Casey that they didn't notice me come up behind.

"Well well," I started, "Congrats, babe."

Casey froze and turned around while all the other boy's jaws dropped. Apparently I looked hotter than I thought I would look like.

"D-Danni," he stuttered. His face was bright red. "What are ya doing here?"

I huffed and crossed my arms. "Casey, have you forgotten our anniversary again?"

"... Yes?"

I shook my head. "Oh, what am I going to do with you," Despite him forgetting, I grinned. "But that doesn't mean I didn't get you something."

The way his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree made me giggle softly. "Ooo, what is it? You always give the best presents!"

I bent down, and while doing so, the boys of the team whistled at the 'view'.

"Damn, Case, never thought you would get a hottie like her," one of them murmured.

I heard someone hitting another, and then, "Dude, no hitting on my girl." Casey hissed. Aww, he's jealous. How cute.

I took out my present. "Surprise!"

My boyfriend gasped. "No way!"

I smirked. "Yes way."

The gift I got him was a new pair of black ice skates. I noticed that his current skates are really getting worn out, so I decided to buy him a new pair.

Take note, I used my own money. How did I get it? Well, during the little time I had, I went out and repaired as many computers and other gadgets as my hands could work on.

I was able to save up 356 dollars and 20 cents. Cool, right?

"How did you get these?" He exclaimed. "These cost $200!"

"I was able to save up my own money."

He looked at me and dropped the skates. I frowned. "Casey, what-"

Suddenly, a pair of lips were on my own, and I closed my eyes out of habit. A lot of 'Go get it, Case!' and 'Whoop whoop!'s were heard as Casey kissed me sweetly.

He pulled away, both of us gasping for air.

"What was that?" I asked.

"You didn't have to get me a present," he said.


Casey smiled. "Because I already have you as the best gift in my entire life."

I threw my arms around him and beamed. "You're the best boyfriend ever, you know that?"

"I know."

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Yeah, just some Casni/Danasey fluff. XD

Credit to FanfictionsCentral for coming up with the ship names. Thanks, gurl! :)

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