Chapter 3

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They all came home back and went in their
rooms. In twin brothers room. Sid came out of washroom.

Sid: Go and get fresh buddy.

Sid didn't got any response. Sid looked at him and saw Sidoo didn't heard but seems worried.

Sid (patting his shoulder): What happened? Everything is alright?
Sidoo (checking his pockets): No! My bracelet... I mean Iost my bracelet which dadi gave us.
Sid (shocked): Must be in your pocket.
Sidoo (worried): No buddy. I remember at icecream parlour also I was wearing it. Remember when Adrita splashed water on me. That time as I was trying to protest that moment my bracelet also got wet.
Sid (sigh): Then must be in car or in mansion. For now sleep. In morning we will ask servants to search it in car and mansion.
Sidoo: Let's go to icecream parlour once. I will check it. Maybe slipped there.
Sid: Hmm....  Fine.

They both went to icecream parlour and searched it but didn't found anything.

Sid: Don't worry. It will be here only.
Sidoo (sighed): Hope so. I don't want to hurt dad.
Sid: Don't worry. You will get it.

Sidoo sighed sadly. They went to sleep. Though sleep was no where but somehow they spent night.

Next morning. Everyone got ready and came for breakfast. Sid and Sidoo was sad.

Vibha (looking at Sid, sidoo): What happened kiddos?

Everyone looked at them.

Sidoo (nervous): Mom, I lost my bracelet which dadi gave us. I am sorry. I don't know how I lost it. I am sorry dad.
Sid: He was wearing it since icecream parlour. We asked servants to search in whole mansion.
Ram: You didn't found it anywhere?

Sidoo nodded in no.

Ram: It's Okay! Don't worry. I know you didn't did that intentionally. I will ask jeweller to make new and same design.
Vibha (feeding sidoo): Don't worry baby. Maa gave you all that bracelet as she used to think you are like kanha ji (God Krishna). So she designed it by herself and ask jeweller to make it for four of you. Your dad have that design. So don't worry.
Darshan (to change happy atmosphere): Sidoo maybe Kanha's Radha have bracelet.
Sid (smirk): Is it that mean my bhabhi?
Sidoo (rolling his eyes, chuckled): Too irritating jokes.

Finally all chuckled. Sad times can't stay in this mansion.

 Sad times can't stay in this mansion

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(Here is bracelet design)

Meanwhile At Singhania Palace.

Meanwhile At Singhania Palace

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(Here is Palace's look)

As it was morning time. Sonia, Aman and Vaish was having breakfast. When Avi and Avai came running towards family. Aman saw them.

Aman (standing up with shock): You both here?

Avi and Avai went to him and hug him.

Aman (sternly): How you both came here?

Listening stern voice both understood. Aman is angry.

Avai: Dad 2hrs ago we landed in Mumbai and now here.
Aman: On whose permission you both came here alone? Didn't you thought once to inform?
Avi (whining): Dad we wanted to surprise you all.
Sonia: Aman leave it na. See both are safe and happy. Don't spoil their mood.
Aman (stern voice): Fine but I don't want any carelessness from next time. This isn't England where you can behave like common people. This is India. So you can't step out of this palace with bodyguards and at least 4 bodyguards will be around. Am I clear?
Avi (shocked): Bodyguards?
Avai (shocked): That too 4?

Vaish smack her forehead.

Sonia: Leave all this. Don't you want to meet your mother or didu?
Avi, Avai (hugging sonia): We miss you mom.
Sonia (hugging them back): I miss you too kiddies.

Aparting the hug. Both went to Vaish and met her.

Sonia: Now come and have breakfast.

They all had breakfast together after years. Enjoying family time.

After breakfast.

Avi: Didu let's go with us. We need to show you something.
Vaish: I have work-
Avai (slapping her forehead): No work is important than us. So let's go.

Both drag her towards room. Servants already kept luggage of both in room.

Avi (looking at room): Thank god nothing is changed.
Vaish: We remember your strict instructions for your room and maintained it well.
Avai (hugging vaish): Thank you di.

Vaish hug her back but her hand hit something hard.

Vaish (wincing): Ouch!!
Avi (worried): What happened di?
Vaish: I am fine but something is there on her scarf.

Avai quickly removed her scarf and found a bracelet on it.

Avi (confused): What's this Twiny?
Vaish (taking bracelet, shocked): From where you got it?
Avai: I don't know. I don't even know whose bracelet it is!
Vaish: Nigam family's sons.
Avi (curiously): How do you know?
Vaish (looking at bracelet with smile): Ab... Darshan Nigam. I saw in his hand.
Avi (confused): Hein! Abdarshan?
Avai (making disgust face): Adarshan maybe?
Avi: How it can be adarshan. It can be sudarshan.
Avai (raising her eyebrow): How do you know?
Avi (shocked): Don't tell me he is your lover and our Jijju?
Vaish (shocked): Ah! Idiots he is married.
Avai (looking at vaish wide eyes open): Your lover is having an extramarital affair?
Avi: Sudarshan isn't old name? I mean it seems like uncle's for our generation.
Vaish (shocked): Wh-
Avai (blinking her eyes in shock): Di are you in love with an uncle and he is married?
Avi (worried): Omg!! No no!! Di dad won't let you marry him. Do one thing just run away with him.
Avai: Yaa that's better. We will manage here.
Vaish (irritated shout): Will you both shut up? He isn't sudarshan, abdarshan or Abdarshan. He is Darshan Nigam. I know him because he is India's one of the top singer and lastly his shooting is going on here in our palace. So I met him yesterday and saw same bracelet in his hand. Lastly in few functions I met his parents. So got to know their kids wore this bracelet.
Avi (shout in excitement): Wow! Shooting is going on in our palace? It's superb.
Avai: Yeah! Di we will go to see shooting. By the way where it's going on?
Vaish (rolling her eyes): In other part of this palace where no one lives. We will return him bracelet too.
Avai: Yeps!
Avi (hugging avai): Twiny we will see shooting.
Avai (hug her back): At least something is good in India for us to entertain.

Vaish sighed.

Vaish's pov: After many years both just came. Look at them how much mess they are creating but whatever they are my cutie pie and sweetie. Anyways I met Darshan Nigam yesterday. Few days back Vibha ma'am and Ramveer sir. I just wish to meet him once in life.

She came back to senses and join her sisters in hug.


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