Chapter 14

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Host announced about Abhi and Shreya's performance. So everyone's attention was on stage.

Their song was Tum Tak. They both were fully engrossed in song and dance. There chemistry was winning hearts of people present over there. As their performance completed. Other couple came and continued it....

Vaish's pov: He is an actor. I know in this occupation He has to work with different actress. I am his fan since start of his journey. It's been long I love him. For him I am his one of the fan. I always dreamt about my life with him but never expected it can be true. He is so perfect with his co-actoress. Will I be able to reach his perfection level? With any of his co-actoress. Be it onscreen or offscreen chemistry. He is always perfect. So his co-actoress. I am nothing in front them-

She came back to senses as she heard.

Aditi: His onscreen and offscreen chemistry with his co-actoress is his acting, not reality. Onscreen we have to mask up as per our character. Offscreen we can't exactly show what we are. We show always perfect chemistry weather it's on screen or offscreen because we can't show if we are going through if some problem is there. Onscreen or offscreen we show perfect chemistry but in reality we only know how actually our co-actor is as person.
Vaish (shocked): Was I audible?
Aditi (chuckled): No! Being an actor I just tried to read your expression and got to know.
Vaish: Hmm..... Means you don't have such strong chemistry as you show in front of camera.
Aditi: Maybe or May not be. Umm... Yeah like always onscreen you saw me and Abhi as lovey dovey couple but in real we are best friends.

Vaish nodded with small smile.

Aditi (forwarding her hand): Friends?
Vaish (shocked): Me?
Aditi: Yes! You! My best friend's soon to be wife. In future we both can team up to trouble abhi.
Adrita (out of blue): Don't you dare to trouble my brother.
Aditi (narrowing her eyes): Ye boli bhai ki chamchi (Mimicking adrita) Don't you dare to trouble my brother.
Buddies (in unison): Guys don't fight. We are at function.
Aditi, Adrita (rolling eyes, in unison): Whateva.

They both burst out laughing and hi-fied.

Aditi (forwarding her hand): Friends?
Vaish (nervously accepted): Yes!
Siddhi (pout): Abhi bhai kab aayege? [When abhi bro will come?]
Aditi: Soon! His performance is also done.

On stage performances ended. Host again started announcing awards. Some minutes later. Abhi and Shreya came.

Aditi: Here is your abhi bhai.
Siddhi (casually): I know.

Abhi chuckled. Aditi roll her eyes.

Siddhi: I am Siddhi, Abhi bhai.
Aditi: Abhi, She is gonna play with us in movie. That kid's character.
Abhi: Oh! (Forwarding his hand): Hello little girl.
Siddhi (smacking her forehead): Oh ho! Abhi bhai we Indians don't this. We hug while meeting.

She went upto abhi and hug him. Abhi hug her back

Avi (chuckled): Oh ho! Which movie's dialogue?
Siddhi (keeping finger on lips): Shh!! It's a secat (secret).
Abhi: Okay! No one will tell this secret of yours.
Siddhi (nodding): Good good. I am going to my mumma papa. Byee.

She ran from there before anyone could say anything.

Shreya: How was our performance?
Avneet: It was awesome.
Aditi (Smirk): Yes! Even someone was drooling over my bestfriend.
Vaish (shocked): No! I wasn't.

Very next moment she bit her tongue, realizing her words. She looked down blushing. Everyone smirk at her and Abhi was smiling.

Avai (smirking): Didu, you can drool over him. You have full right.

Vaish was blushing.... umm... it was kind of embarrassing. Her cheeks were crimson red.

Abhi (clearing his throat): Okay guy! Stop it.
Sidoo (smirk): Bhai what to sto-

Looking at Abhi's glared. He stopped in mid. Everyone nodded.

Adrita: Vaish bhabhi-

She looked at vaish who was blushing. So abhi was but he looked away hiding his blush.

Adrita (smirk): Yaa so vaishu bhabhi, you are fashion designer and also princess of Singhania. Still you didn't mention on Social media neither even verified your accounts, why?
Avai (pout): Duh!! We are not allowed to.
Sid (confused): Why?
Vaish: It's not that we are not allowed to. But always our grandparents and everyone introduce kids to world at the age of 21. I mean after 1947. About us because of some reason dad asked us to don't share. He is handling some deal which is risky. So for our safety. After this deal dad will arrange conference to introduce three of us as daughters and also futute heirs.
Sidoo (shocked): Working in deal is risky? How?
Vaish: It's not fashion work or something. It's about non government work. I mean charities, trusts and NGO seek permission for big work but Ofcourse as it's non government work. So they don't need government permission but still anyone can't just run NGO with words. Some rules and regulations, registration they too have to follow. So such works is handled by Dad.

Everyone's attention turned to stage as they heard.

Host: Last but not the least Nominations for IIFA of the year........

As Abhi was also in nominated Nigams, Singhanias, Aditi, Adrita, Shreya was also curious. Everyone was waiting for winner's announcement. Waiting for host to announce.

Vaish (crossing her fingers, closing her eyes, mumbling): Kanha ji please give him this award. Please kanha ji.

Aditi saw vaish. She couldn't hear a single word but her gesture was clear.

Aditi (tapping on abhi's shoulder, wisper): Look at Vaish.

Abhi looked at her and was shocked. He was able to hear her mumble. This moment was so special for him. He grinned ear to ear. He was staring her.

Host: So winner is Abhishek Nigam.

Everyone cheered. Aditi who was beside abhi. She jumped on him to hug him. He came back to senses.

Aditi: Congratulations Abhishek.

Realizing the moment. He got biggest. Winner of IIFA is a really big award. Vaish was smiling like mad person.

Sid: Go bhai.

Abhi stood up and Thank aditi. He went on stage to take his award. After he took his award. Host handed him Mike.

Abhi (still shocked): Umm... Thanks to mom, dad, my brothers, bhabhi, fans, friends. Because of your love, blessings of you all. Special thanks to my special fans who were praying for me this last moment.

After listening abhi's words. Vaish was shocked.

Vaish's pov: He saw me? No! He didn't. Idiot you are over thinking. He didn't.

She came to senses as she heard.

Sid: Bhabhi, bhai did. He noticed.
Vaish (shocked): Am I audible or you guys have special tricks?
Sidoo: Your facial expression are clear.
Aditi (smirk): If he is missing something then we will definitely make him notice those special things.

Vaish blush. Abhi came after meeting his parents.

Avi, Avai (shout in excitement): Congratulations ji-
Sidoo (shocked): Don't shout Jijju idiots.
Avi, avai (smiling sheepishly): Sorry.

They both went to abhi and hug him. Then others wish him.

Abhi came back to his seat.

Vaish (grinning): Congratulations! You deserve much more than this.
Abhi (winking): Thank you beautiful.

Vaish blush and looked away.

With this award. Awards function ended. Singhania's went out first then Nigams went with friends.

Media asked for Nigam Nigam brother's for pic and media even took interview of them then they went home.


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