Chapter 6

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In twin sister's room. Avai was sitting on bed, scrolling her phone. Avi enter in room and was super duper happy after meeting Sid. She ran to avai and pull her out of bed. She starts twirling her.

Avai (trying to stop her): Stop twiny stop.
Avi (stopped): Twiny, I am so so so happy. You know I never thought I will meet any celebrity in life ever but guess what I did and and and that too the one whose movie I saw yester night only with di. I just became his fan and got chance to meet him. (Jumped on bed and started jumping) Yipeee. Yippee....
Avai (happily): Wow!! You clicked pic with him?
Avi (happily shout): Yes! I did.
Avai (pulling her to sit on bed): Show me fast.

Avi nodded and took her phone.

Avi (forwarding her phone): See...

Avai saw photo. Her eyes and mouth was wide open. She looked at avi.

Avai (threw phone of bed): You dumb. You are going crazy for him? Him? He isn't a human but rascal.
Avi (folding her arms near chest): How can you say that? He is so nice. Do you even know how sweetly and calmly he behaved with me. Duh!! You are idiot Twiny.
Avai (rolling her eyes, shout): Sweet and calm. I swear I won't mind murdering him if he came in front of me again.
Avi (glaring her): I will chop your hands before you murder him.

Aman entered in room. Twins became quiet.

Aman (sternly): No more fighting now. Let's go. Your training is starting from tomorrow to join business. Come we need to discuss about it now.

He walked out without waiting for their answer. Twins sighed in relief and went behind Aman, glaring each other.

At Nigam mansion. Sidoo was so happy as he got his bracelet.

At dinner time. All were having dinner.

Vibha: Darshu tomorrow when your shoots will end?
Darshan: Around 3-4 in noon.
Vibha: Hmm.... Okay! So at 5 we can come and talk with Mr and Mrs Singhania.
Abhi (shocked): What's the hurry mom?
Vibha: I will not finalize your wedding date tomorrow only. I will just forward your and their daughter's wedding proposal.
Darshan (sighed): Mom when he is not ready. Give him sometime.
Vibha: That's what I am doing. Today Sidoo, Sid, Ayesha came to your shoot to meet Vaishnavi. Sid and ayesha asked him too join but he didn't. We only need to push him.
Abhi (shocked): How you got to know about it?
Vibha (chuckled): Aditi told me.
Abhi (roll his eyes): Chugalkhor. [Backbiter]
Sid (raising his eyebrow): Bhai seriously you are an actor?

Abhi glared him.

Sidoo (joining sid): Buddy isn't wrong bhai. I mean you know how to meet girls, impress them, propose them and everything. Still you are nervous?
Abhi (shook his head in disbelief): That for role and character not in real life. I know how to meet girls but all that are filmy not in real. I know how to impress a girl but according to script not unknown girl. I did proposal but for character plus I know answer of that proposals and lastly if they will say no as if I care. If they will say yes as if I am gonna marry them. Character role is fully planned but real life is fully unpredictable Idiots.
Buddies (rolling eyes): Whatever.
Darshan: Meet her, try to know about her abhi and yes final decision for your marriage is in your hands only.

Abhi nodded.

Vibha: So tomorrow we will go and meet her family.
Ayesha: I will come from shoot. Just call me mom.
Vibha (smiled): Okay!
Buddies (in unison): Me too!
Darshan (rolling his eyes): Bhaarat nahin leke jaa rahe hain. (Mimicking them) Me too.

They roll their eyes.

Sidoo's pov: But I need to go. I can't fix my bhai's marriage with that chudail. I need to stop it. So I will go.

Sid looked at sidoo who was deep in thoughts.

Sid (shooking him): What happened?
Sidoo (coming back to senses): Huh!! Nothing.

Sid nodded but was not satisfied. They had dinner.


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