Chapter 19

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Note: I am gonna skips 15 days, month, 2months. As I don't have any scene to add here. So just imagine in skipped time. They went for dates. Duh! I am suck at writing dates and romance.

Let's begin....

After two months. Sid confessed his love to Avu. Other than that nothing new.

Abhi and Aditi's new movie is going on. Abhi is busy with his movie shoots. This is irritating vaish the most.

About Sidneet. Sid is in Dubai since 15days for his shoots with Adrita. He is also busy with his work. Avu is missing his alot.

Sidhanti still fight alot but somewhere they enjoy each other's company. On the top of it. Sidneet drag sidhanti whenever they have to go for date to avoid parents questions and doubts. One hand, Sidneet's date and on the other hand, Sidhanti's world war going on in restuarant. Both the couples don't interfere in each other's date or war

Avai is enjoying while teasing her sisters. Both the families are so happy for Abhinavi and Sidneet. Though Sidneet didn't shared with parents but parents know about them. As Abhinavi and Sidneet are happy with each other. Parents are thinking about Sidhanti too. About Sidhanti no one knows except parents.

After two months. In Singhania's palace. Avu was in her room. Sitting on bed, holding phone in her hand.

Avu (looking at phone with pout): Come fast fast na. Avu is not Okay Dokey without you. Huh! (Scrunching her nose) I miss you. Come soon or else I will not talk with you for whole 1yr pakka wala promise. Shoots me busy busy. Phone bhi nahin karta. Duh! I only miss you. You don't miss me. (Sadly): I seriously miss you so much. Okay fine I love you... Come back soon.

She hug her phone. Just then her phone beeped. She checked it and saw Avai's shared a video in group. She started the video and saw whatever she said and did a few seconds ago. It was recorded and shared in group.

Avi (shocked, shout): Twiny!

She looked around but didn't find avai.

Avi (stood up, searching around): Twiny no need to hide now. Come out.

She was searching for her. After a minute.

Avai (jumping out from corner): Twiny jijju saw it yay.
Avi: You idiot! What Jijju will think about me now. Huh! You are seriously-

She got quiet as phones of both starts beeping. They both checked it. Messages in group.

Darshan: Aww!! So cute Avneet and Thank you for this cuteness Avanti.
Adrita: Awwiiieeeee!! But Avneet, Sid is also not Okay dokey without you 😏😏
Sidoo: Buddy reply for her I love you 😏😂
Vaish: Awiee! Sid come soon for my cutie😘
Abhi: Aditi thori si cuteness sikh le. Pura din daayan bani phirti hain 🙄😂
Sidoo: Adrita, buddy ate poison? Why he isn't replying? 🙄
Adrita: 😏 He is watching video on loop.
Sid: Hi! I am here. Thank you Avanti for this video. I love you too kiddo and miss you too. Coming soon pakka wala promise 😘
Avanti: Oh ho!! Jijju bade romantic ho.
Aditi: Abhishek seekh apne bhai se.
Avi: Yeah Okay! But fast fast.
Adrita: Haan ji! Jaldi se shoot wrap up karke aate hain.

With these teasing and pulling each other's leg continued for sometime.

It was evening time. On set of Abhi and Aditi's movie. Both were in Abhi's vanity. Abhi was damn nervous and worried.

Just Sidoo, Avi and Avai came.

Sidoo: Isn't your shoots completed yet?
Aditi: No! We have main scene to do today.
Avai: So it's gonna be fun.
Abhi (shocked): No!
Avi: Why?
Aditi: We have kissing scene.
Sidoo: That's oka- wait what? Kissing as in? Lips?
Aditi: Yeps!
Sidoo: Don't tell you guys signed contract without reading?
Aditi: I read it while signing. I am Okay. Just a little nervous.
Abhi: I too read it. Even discussed it with mom.
Sidoo: Okay! So now what's the problem?
Aditi (rolling his eyes): He and Vaish haven't kissed yet. He don't want to hurt her or loss his first kiss like this.
Avi: But she knows you are an actor and it's a part of your job. She won't mind.
Avai: So Twiny, it's fine for you if Sid too kiss someone for role?
Avi: Yaa! It's part of his job. He isn't doing to cheat me.

Just then vaish walk in.

Vaish: Hello!
Aditi: Hii! Perfect timing for your entry. Abhi wants to talk with you. Sidoo, girls let's go to my vanity.

Leaving vaish confused, abhi shocked. They all left.

Vaish: What happened?
Abhi (nervous): You come sit.

Vaish nodded and sat in his front.

Abhi (nervous): Actually for a scene in movie. I... umm.... I need to kiss Aditi.
Vaish (shocked, compose herself): Og! It's okay! I can understand it's your job and also I trust you.
Abhi: Hmm.... I know but I don't want to hurt you. I also don't want to loose my first kiss like this. But I already signed movie and can't back off now. I don't-

He got quiet as Vaish smash her lips on his. He was shocked but composed himself and kiss her back. Eyes of both were close. A passionate kiss, filled with love. Their first kiss. Heart beats of both were high. Abhi got goosebumps all over his body because of sudden action. Happy tears leaked from Vaish's eyes. Abhi wrapped his arms around.

After a minute they broke the kiss. Both were panting. Vaish was blushing too.

Abhi (shocked): What was this?
Vaish (blushing like hell): Umm.... you.. you said you don't want to loose your first kiss... So.... umm....

Just then a set boy came to call abhi for shot. Abhi wiped Vaish's tears and kissed on her forehead.

Abhi: Thanks for understanding.
Vaish (shyly): All the best.

Setting his face properly. Abhi went for shot.

Aditi (as she saw abhi): Ready?
Abhi (nervous): Yes! You?

Aditi nodded. As per directors instructions both took position.

With Vaish. She was blushing, remembering her kiss.

Vaish's pov: His shot is going on. I should stay here only. Maybe my presence for this scene can make him uncomfortable.

She sat there, remembering her first kiss.

With abhi and Aditi.

Abhi (cups Aditi's face): You just hold my hands and stay in same position. I will nibble your lower lip, Okay?

Aditi nodded. As director shout action.

Abhi and Aditi took their faces close. They are best friends but this made them nervous. As abhi said he placed his lips on hers and nibble her lower lip for almost a minute when director announced cut.

Both quickly aparted and was looking here and there. Their cheeks were red because of embarrassment. Director explained them further scenes. They continued it. They didn't made eye contact for a second also.

After completing shoots. They all went to cafe as it was already decide to hang out.


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