Chapter 22

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After 2days.

In these 2days. Sidneet and Abhinavi were normal but for Sidhanti. These days both were in deep thoughts. Ofcourse decision of marriage isn't easy. Through chats they were talking with each other.

After 2 days. Sidhanti decided to meet each other and talk face to face calmly.

It was evening time. Whole Nigam family was at home. Sidoo came down after getting ready. He found his whole family in living area.

Vibha: Come here beta.

Sidoo went and sat beside her.

Vibha (kissing his forehead): We are sorry baby. We should have discussed with you before taking decision but I was so excited that my sons are grown up and will have someone as their partner. We committed about marriage of your and Sid's without asking you.
Sidoo (sighed): It's okay mom. I trust you. I know you ain't gonna choose wrong for me. So don't worry.
Ram: Hmm.... Beta, I know you must be thinking when you and Avanti are also not ready for this then too why we parents aren't cancelling this marriage.

Sidoo nodded.

Sid: I too want to know this dad.
Vibha: See they are childs of Rajput, Maharaj. For them commitment matters more than life. This decision was taken by both families together. Now how can we leave it. Plus you know your brothers are gonna be son in law of their family. Like this back off can affect relations of Sid and Abhi with Sonia and Aman.

Sidoo nodded understanding.

Vibha: Go and talk with her calmly.
Sidoo: Okay! Bye.

He left from there.

Meanwhile with Avai. After getting ready. She came in living area.

Vaish: Ready sweetie?
Avai: Yaa di.

Aman and Sonia came.

Aman: Avanti you are Okay?
Avai: Yes dad. I am fine.
Aman: You both meet each other and talk with each other. If you both can spend life with each other. That will be good. If you can't I promise you don't have to marry him then.

Avai smiled and hug him.

Aman: Avneet bacha go and inform bodyguards to be ready.
Avai: What's the need dad?
Aman (aparting the hug): See I can't risk of your life.
Avai: Bit dad I am going with Siddhanth. There is nothing to worry. I will be safe.
Sonia (caressing her hair): So you trust him for your life?
Avai (shrugging her shoulders): Yeah! Mom we do fight alot but it's true he is responsible.

Sonia nodded with smile.

Avai: Please dad no bodyguards.
Aman: Okay but be careful.

Avai nodded. After a minute or two. They heard a honk.

Avi: Twiny, Sidoo is here. Let's go. I will come with you till exit.

Avai nodded. Both went out of Palace. Bidding sidhanti bye. Avi went back inside and Sidhanti drove off.

In car.

Sidoo: Hey!
Avai: Hi!

They both got quiet.

Sidoo: So you decided anything?
Avai: I guess we can try to understand each other? I mean my parents really have hopes.
Sidoo: Same! They were asking to give time to each other.

Avai nodded.

Sidoo: So you sure you want to give chance?
Avai: Yeah!
Sidoo: So first we should know about each other's likes and dislikes. I mean we know as since months we are friends. I am asking as qualities in life partner?
Avai: Umm.... Nothing big. Just he should be understanding and supportive.
Sidoo: Damn! Same...
Avai: Oh! Anything else? Like beauty!
Sidoo: Beautiful by heart.

Like this they both spent their day chit chatting with each other without fighting and knowing about each other.


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