Chapter 11

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After everyone left abhi alone. Abhi was thinking what to text next. Just then Abhi's phone beeped. He saw text from Ayesha.

Ayesha's text "Calm down and message her. How are you? Don't think much just message her normally. Think she is your friend. Then you can talk with her freely."

Abhi smiled widely. He texted Vaishnavi "How are you?"

With vaish. She was trying to control her blush. Her phone beeped. Vaish checked her phone and saw Abhi's message.

Vaish replied blushing "I am good Sir. How are you?

Abhi saw her message.

Abhi (rolling his eyes): "Sir" huh!! Okay! Ask her for friendship. That will be good. Hmm...

Abhi replied "I am doing great! Actually in restuarant I was damn nervous because of parents also black commandos. So um... Sorry!

Vaish was super shocked. She was trying to digest all this. Vaish mumble "He is saying me sorry? Umm.... What should I do now?" She replied after thinking for few seconds.

Vaish (blushing): It's Okay Sir. I was also nervous.
Abhi (taking deep breath): Okay! So we are good? I mean can we be friends?

Vaish looked at phone with wide eyes. Her hands trembled. She squeal in happiness. She mumbled "Friends? He and Me? What is this? Umm.... What should I say? Dumbo you can't reject it. How can I reject this? Okay! So it's Yes.

Vaish (taking deep breath): Yes sir.
Abhi (chuckled): So stop calling me sir? You can call me Abhishek or Abhi.

Vaish's heartbeat increase. She was blushing or you can say competing tomato in being red. Her hands trembled. Happy tears brimmed in her eyes. Vaish mumble "Abh... Abhi... I need to call him by name."

Her phone beeped again. She saw Abhi's text "Are you there?"
Vaish (quickly): Yes! Yes!!
Abhi: Great! So tell me about yourself.
Vaish (nervous): About me? I am Vaishnavi Singhania. Daughter of Aman Singhania and Sonia Singhania. From profession I am fashion designer. Working in Singhania fashion house.
Abhi: Hmm.... Nice! Your firm started working for Bollywood too?
Vaish (smiling): Yeah! We had done two projects of Bollywood. Tomorrow I will meet actors of my 3rd project at IFA awards.
Abhi (suprised): Wait! You are going for IFA awards?
Vaish (nervous): Yes sir! I got invitation.
Abhi: Great! We will meet there then. But stop with this sir now 🥺🥺

Vaish's pov: Oh gosh! How to handle his cuteness in real?

Vaish (blushing): You are coming?

Vaish's POV (closing her eyes in embarrassment): How stupid I am! One of the most famous family of Bollywood. They have to be part of IFA awards. I am super sure their projects are nominated. Vaish stop being stupid yaar.

She open her eyes and saw abhi's message.

Abhi: Hmm!! My movie is nominated. So my brothers projects.
Vaish (slapping her head): Okay! All the best.
Abhi: So... Will meet there.
Vaish (biting her lip): Yeah!
Abhi: Alright bye!

Vaish's POV (shocked): Bye? But why? I want to talk with him? But yaar he has busy schedule and it's late now. He should take rest but ahh!!! Now bye (pout) I want to talk with you.

She came back to senses as her phone beeped.

Abhi (nervously): You there?
Vaish (sadly): Yaa! Sorry and Bye!
Abhi (teasingly): Don't worry tomorrow we will meet 😉

Vaish looked at phone with eyes wide open.

Vaish (blushing): Yeah! Good night.
Abhi (chuckled): Night 😴

Vaish giggle, blushing. They keep phone aside.

Abhi's pov: Bhabhi was right. Talk with her as friend. I felt really comfortable. As her sisters said she love me... Umm... not me but my acting. I understood she likes me. So I just tried to tease her. Hope so she won't be uncomfortable. Her parents and bodyguards will not be part tomorrow.

With her thoughts he drift to sleep.

Vaish's pov (excitedly jumping on bed): I can't believe. I was talking with my dream boy. He is too cute. I talked with him on chat but how will I talk with him tomorrow face to face? Mom, dad are not coming for function. Bodyguards aren't allowed inside the hall. So he will be comfortable at least but ahh!! How I will control my blush and nervousness? (Stopped and joining her hands) Thank you god that I met him. I wished to meet him once in my life but you are giving us chance to spend life together. Okay! So that's final I ain't gonna say no. Ofcourse who idiot will say no to him for marriage? Not me. But he can say no. Fine I will impress him. I will control my stupidity. God please help me.

With his thoughts and blush, she slept.

Next day. It was time to leave for awards. After getting ready. Vaish was talking with her parents about guards when twins came fully ready.

Vaish (surprised): Where you both are going?
Avu: For awards with you.
Vaish (shocked): But you are not invited.
Avai: We asked darsh bhai. He managed seats for both of us. Now let's go.

Vaish was shock. She glared her sisters but they ignored it and went out, shouting "We are waiting in car. Come fast di". After talking with parents. Vaish went. Three drove off to IFA awards.

Nigams too got ready and left for IFA awards.


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