Chapter Three

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Corina woke the next morning to the sounds of the others getting ready to go to work downstairs. Shortly after, a knock came at the door, and Leon stepped in. "Morning, sunshine. How's your leg?"

"I could use some more painkillers."

"I'll have Mom grab some for you. You okay enough to come down and work a bit? I know Dad has a surprise for you down there."

"A surprise?"

"A going-away present. I think you'll like it." He smiled and placed her clothes, freshly washed, at her feet and stepped out, shutting the door behind him.

She changed and ate some breakfast and the painkillers Sophie had set out for her, then headed downstairs with Eda, taking care down the stairs. Her father had called her a few more times during the night.

"Morning." she limped into the lab to see the Professor at work already, Leon standing next to him. They were investigating the new mega stone she'd brought in. Corina greeted them. They turned and smiled.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"

"All right. Much better now that I've had some rest. Leon said, you have a surprise for me, Professor?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yes, right over here." He picked up an ornately decorated blue box with a latch on the front. "I was planning on giving you these anyway, but now they make the perfect going-away present." He undid the latch and opened the box. Corina's heart thudded at the glistening accessories inside.

On a pink scarf to match the color of Corina's sweater was a white, yellow, and red stone that Corina recognized as the one she tested yesterday. Then, on a dark pink ribbon, the same color as her skirt was a key stone to make a choker necklace.



She and Eda stared and them, then looked back up to the Professor, smiling at them. "This has been a long time coming, and now it's perfect. Use these to help you on your journey and prove your bond to others."

"Professor...I.... I can't accept these; this is too nice."

"Nonsense. It's a perfect going-away gift. Now go on, put them on."

Corina took out the pink scarf and wrapped it around Eda's neck, making sure to show off their Ampharosite. The pink looked good on her, and she smiled widely, excited. Corina reached around her neck and latched the necklace fit perfectly.

"Thank you, Professor, really, this is too nice of you."

"You're quite welcome, Corina."

"Hey, Corina! How about a one-on-one battle to show off your new mega stone!" Leon smiled, stepping over to her.

"Sure! Sounds fun. You and I haven't battled in a while."

"Hey Dad, will you ref for us?"

"Sure, this'll be interesting to watch, I'm sure."

The three of them stepped outside into the pokemon sanctuary.

"Hey, Calamity!" Leon called out, and out of the river, a Wartortle emerged, shaking off some of the excess water. She hustled over to Leon and smiled up at him. "Hey Calamity, how about a battle against Corina and Eda here? To test out their new mega stone!"

"Warrr!" She smiled excitedly.

The two trainers stood a reasonable distance from each other, with their partner pokemon standing in front of them.

"All right, Calamity, you ready?"


"Ready to try these out, Eda?"

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