Chapter Eight

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Corina fixed her new dress in the mirror in her cabin. She was wearing a cute pink sundress with a green bandana fastened around her neck. It covered her key stone, but she was okay with that. Knowing Professor Sycamore's students, she wouldn't be able to get any work done with everyone challenging her to a battle. Her dress was ruffled around her shoulders and had tiny floral prints decorating it.


"Yes, yes, I'm finally ready, Eda," Corina replied and made one final adjustment, and walked out onto the sand with her partner next to her. This was her first time at this summer camp since her father wouldn't let her go in the past. Leon and Alain would always travel with the Professor while she looked after the pokemon instead.

Her sandals sunk into the fluffy sand and the smell of salt and seaweed filled her nose. "All right, let's go see the Professor."

Trainers were out mingling on the beach and in between the buildings, getting to know their teammates and some already anxious to battle.

She found the Professor and Sophie standing on the deck overlooking the beach and supervising the incoming trainers. "Professor!"

He turned and smiled widely. "Corina! Good to see you got settled in! How do you like your cabin?"

"Very nice, thank you, Professor. My pokemon and I have gotten very comfortable."

"Marvelous! And it's good to see you, too, Eda." He crouched down and rubbed Eda's chin. She bleated happily.

"So, how's your journey going?" Sophie asked.

"Very well! I'm so happy traveling with my pokemon and making new friends. I even joined the Battle Chateau. Oh—speaking of." She opened her pokeballs, revealing her two other partners. Arbor stretched to show off his new evolution, and Hermes settled in on her shoulder. "Check this out! Arbor evolved!"

"Wow! Look at you! You're a big strong Grovyle now, huh?"


"It's marvelous how you're growing your team, Corina. One of these days, you'll be an incredibly strong trainer."

"You think so, Professor? I've never really been too concerned with strength; I just want to make sure my pokemon are happy." She smiled. "So, where's Leon?"

"He couldn't make it, unfortunately. He had to care for the pokemon while we were out here."

"Oh, because I wasn't there to watch them?"

"Yes, but no worries. He was happy to stay behind since you've never gotten the chance to be here."

Corina was about to reply when Eda began tapping her arm. "What is it, Eda?"

"Ammmpha. Am! Am!" She pointed to where Arbor used to be, then pointed to the Pokemon Center to tell her that Arbor had run off while she was distracted with the Professor.

Corina sighed heavily, "I can't take my eyes off him for one minute." She then began jogging off. "Talk to you later, Professor!"

The sliding doors of the Pokemon Center closed behind Corina as she, Eda, and Hermes began looking around for Arbor.

"Oh wow! A grovyle!" They heard someone exclaim from the upper level. Corina sighed and rushed up the steps to see Arbor trying to flirt with a Bulbasaur who was obviously rejecting his advances. Several other trainers were standing around, and each of the starter pokemon from both Kanto and Kalos.

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