Chapter Fourteen

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Corina's plane touched down in the Alola Region, and she let Eda out of her pokeball as they exited the airport into the hot ocean-scented air.

"Ammmpphaaa." Eda smiled and took a deep breath, thankful to be outside of her pokeball once more.

"I don't care how many times I have to fly; I still hate it." Corina groaned, adjusting her bag over her shoulder.

"Ammphaa, Am."

"I know, I could've just said 'no' to the Professor, but how could I pass up an opportunity to head to Alola? Now, come on, we've got to head to our hotel. This sweater is way too thick for this weather."

The two called a cab and were soon dropped off at their hotel, where Corina changed into the light pink sundress she wore to Professor Sycamore's summer camp. From there, she caught another cab to get to the Pokemon School to make her meeting with Professor Kukui.

She and Eda were wandering in the halls, trying to figure out where the classroom was, but it was evidently more complicated than they had previously anticipated.

"Geez, Eda, where is it?" She mumbled under her breath, looking around for any kind of sign.

"Are you lost?" They turned to see a girl about their age, maybe a year or two younger, with brown skin and long green hair.

"Yeah, I think so." Corina smiled, embarrassed. "Can you show me where Professor Kukui's class is?"

"Oh yeah! That's where I'm heading too! It's this way." Corina and her partner quickly fell in step with the other girl. "My name's Mallow. And this is my partner, Bounsweet!" The small pink and green pokemon smiled at Corina from the girl's shoulder.

"This is a Bounsweet? I've never seen one before!"

"You haven't? You're not from Alola, are you?"

"Nope! I'm from Kalos. My name's Corina, and my partner here is Eda."

"Oh! You must be the guest Professor Kukui was telling us about!"

"Yup, that's me!"

"Well, it's super nice to meet you, Corina! Here we are." They arrived at a circular, open room with an overlook of the vast school grounds. The few small wooden desks were each filled up with students, and a man with a lab coat and no shirt with dark skin and black hair in a bun was standing in front of them.

"Professor! This is Corina! The guest from Kalos you were talking about." Mallow smiled and gestured over to Corina.

"Yes! Thank you for helping her around, Mallow." He nodded to her, and she took her seat among the other students.

"Corina, I am Professor Kukui. It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Alola and the Pokemon School."

Corina smiled. "Hi, Professor, thank you for inviting me over here! It's a lovely region!" She stepped over beside him, and he turned to the rest of the class.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you all to Corina. She's visiting us from all the way in Kalos. She's here to tell us about a special battle phenomenon first discovered in the Kalos region." He nodded to her and stepped back, giving her the center stage.

She smiled as she looked out on the students. "Hi everyone, it's nice to meet you! I'm Corina, and this Ampharos here is my partner, Eda."

"Amphaaa!" Eda smiled at them.

"Now, who in here has heard of Mega Evolution?" She asked, interlocking her fingers behind her back. A short boy with short, orange hair raised his hand enthusiastically.

"Ooo! I know what that is! It's when a pokemon undergoes another stage of evolution in battle using a stone in order to become stronger!"

Corina nodded. "That's right! But it's really about a lot more than just gaining power. It's a display of the bond between trainer and pokemon. Who wants a demonstration?" They all raised their hands excitedly, all of them eager to see what Mega Evolution looks like.

Professor Kukui led all the trainers outside to the battlefield, and Corina and Eda took their spots on one side. "All right! Which one of you is the strongest battler? Choose wisely. This person needs to be able to handle the strength of Mega Evolution."

The students deliberated for a moment, but it wasn't long before they all turned to a boy with spikey black and red hair with a severe look on his face. "I guess I'll be the one battling you. My name's Kiawe."

"Wonderful, Kiawe! Why don't you send out your pokemon, and we'll get this battle started!" Corina smiled. She hadn't battled since her event with Kyogre and Groudon, and she was itching to do some more training.

"All right! I'll go ahead and referee this battle." Professor Kukui stepped forward, taking his place on the side of the dusty field. "Battle, begin!"

"Let's go, Charizard!"


Kiawe wound up and released a strong, battle-worn Charizard. Corina paused. Eda glanced back at her trainer, obviously concerned. A familiar ache tugged at her stomach at the sight of the proud fire-type pokemon. But soon enough, Corina shook her head. She needed to focus.

"Let's show them what we've got, Eda!"


"Hearts and minds in sync! Hear me, Eda! Mega Evolve!" Corina's fingers touched her key stone, and the familiar bright lights connected between her and her partner. A surge of power coursed through her, making every hair stand on end.

The glowing rush finally subsided, and Eda's mega ampharos form stood in front of them. Professor Kukui's class oo'ed and ahh'ed in amazement.

"This is Eda's mega evolution, Mega Ampharos!"

"Amphhaarrroo!" She stood in a defensive position, ready to attack.

"Eda! Use focus blast!" Eda launched a glowing ball of energy at Kiawe's Charizard.

"Charizard! Use flamethrower!"

"Counter it with thunderbolt!" The two moves created a large explosion. "Eda, thunder punch!" Eda's fist glowed, and she punched her opponent hard.

"Aerial Ace!" Charizard flew up in the air and began to circle back.

"Thunderbolt!" Eda tried her best to shock Charizard before they could get too close, but it was no use, and Charizard crashed into Eda. "Dragon pulse, Eda!" Eda launched a powerful beam of purple light at Charizard.

"Dragon pulse? Ampharos can learn a dragon type move?" One of the students with short blue hair asked curiously.

"That's right!" Corina smiled. "See, when Ampharos mega evolves, it becomes an electric and dragon type!"

"All right! Let's finish this up quick, Charizard!" Kiawe began to perform some kind of dance in sync with his Charizard, a silver wristband glowing red on Kiawe's arm. "Inferno Overdrive!" A huge fireball gathered in front of them and was launched at Eda. A massive rush of heat and power overcame them, and when the glowing and dust finally settled, Eda was on the ground, back in her normal form.

Corina took a revive from her bag and used it on her partner, who awoke groggily. She looked up as Kiawe praised Charizard.

"Wow! Was that a Z-Move? I've never seen one before!" Corina looked up at him in awe.

"That's right. It's an Alolan tradition." He smiled, exuding pride. "That was the fire type move, Inferno Overdrive."

"That was incredible! I can really see how powerful you and Charizard are." She smiled. And for a fleeting moment, she saw Alain in this trainer.

"I could say the same for you and Eda! You two obviously have a strong bond together."

"That's true! We've been together for a long time, right Eda?"

"Amphaaaaa!" Eda smiled, nuzzling Corina's arm. The students laughed along, and they made their way back inside. 

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