Epilogue Two; Moving Up

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Corina has been working under Steven Stone for several months now, turning seventeen while in Rustoboro City. She had become his apprentice, accompanying him on all kinds of business trips and meetings and traveling all over the world with him, learning things she could only learn first-hand. She missed home a lot and would call her father and the lab at least once a week to keep up with everything going on.

Corina stepped into Steven's office to see him pacing, his hand to his chin, deep in thought. "Steven, you need to stop pacing like that. You're beginning to make me nervous too." She set some blueprints on his desk, and he smiled tiredly, running his hand through his hair.

"Ah, sorry, Corina. I'm just worried about this gala tonight."

"What is there to worry about? Your father is on top of everything."

"That's what I'm worried about."

She laughed. "It's going to be fine. You've been preparing this since I arrived here. It'll all be lovely, I'm sure."

"You're right, you're right." He slumped into his seat, attempting to relax.

"It's going to be great. I'm excited for tonight?"

"You are? Are you not nervous at all? I remember you almost had a heart attack when you first met me." He raised an eyebrow at her. She felt her cheeks heat in embarrassment.

"I think I can have a handle on it by now! Besides, I wasn't expecting to meet you. I've been mentally preparing myself this whole time. I'll be fine."

"If you say so..." He replied, obviously not buying it. "So, when do you need to get off to start getting ready?"

"At least two hours."

"At least?" He repeated, surprised.

"At least! If there's going to be paparazzi there, I have to look my best! I have to pick which dress I want to wear, pick my shoes and accessories!"

"You don't have that all picked out yet? Knowing you, I would've thought you would have that planned out a month in advance."

"I know, I know, normally I would, but I keep changing my mind, and now I'm woefully unprepared."

"All right. You can get off at four, but you need to get those sketches down to the lab and approved first."

"Right!" She skipped back out of the office and prepared to finish her work for the rest of the day.

It was five o clock, and Corina was just finishing putting her short pink hair in a bun and curling the bangs when a knock came at her door. She looked to Eda, confused. She wasn't expecting anyone. Steven shouldn't be here until just after six. She rushed to the door and saw a deliveryman holding a flat, long package and a smaller more-square box in his hands. "Corina Larch?"

"That's me."

"Here you are," He handed her the box and had her sign for it before walking off.

She shut the door with her foot and laid the package out on her bed. Eda looked over her shoulder as Corina cut it open. Inside the longer one was a larger piece of dusty pink clothing with a jewelry box, and the smaller box was a pair of gold metallic heels. Inside was a note,


Hopefully, this will help make your decision easier.

--Steven Stone"

"Wow..." she smiled with a sigh. This was too nice of him. She pulled out the piece of clothing to reveal a long, off-the-shoulder dress. She examined the high-quality fabric and smiled, excited.

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