Chapter Twelve

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Corina's mind was racing as they landed at the airport back in Kalos. Why would Alain suddenly leave them behind? What sort of danger was he talking about? Why did he drop off the radar so long ago? She needed more answers, and she was going to have a talk with him, one way or another.

They arrived at the airport and went straight for the phones to call up Professor Sycamore. It didn't take long for him to answer the phone.

"Hi Mairin, it's been quite a long time. How may I be of assistance?" He smiled.

"Professor, uh, you know a trainer named Alain, don't you?" Mairin asked. Corina couldn't miss the look of surprise on his face.


"You see, Steven, Corina, and I have all been with Alain, traveling." Corina and Steven stepped into the frame.

"Hi there, Professor." She waved.

"Hello, Professor!"

"Ahh, Steven Stone, correct?" He looked over to Corina. "Hello, Corina. How have your travels been?" She could tell his mind was racing thinking about Alain, but he wasn't showing it.

"Amazing, Professor. Hermes evolved and now has his own Altarianite." She nodded, keeping it brief. She knew what he wanted to hear about.

"You see, Alain, Mairin, Corina, and I, we've been through a lot." Steven began to explain the past day or so to the Professor and all the suspenseful details. Once they finished up and answered all of Professor Sycamore's questions, Steven and Mairin were about ready to go.

"Would you two mind giving me a moment to speak with Professor Sycamore?" Corina asked her two companions. They nodded and said their goodbyes, leaving her alone on the phone.

"So... I found him." Corina let her face fall.

"Yes. How did that happen?"

"I just ran into him. I was so shocked I could hardly say anything."

"So...How is he?" Corina was silent for a moment, biting her lip. "Corina?"

"I don't know, Professor. Something"

"What do you mean?"

"He's...different. He's quiet and serious. Nothing like he used to be. It's like something's wrong, and I can't figure out what it is." She ran a hand through her hair. "I don't know, Professor. I used to be able to read him like a book, but suddenly, I have no idea what's going on with him."

"Well, he has been gone a while."

"I know, Professor. But now, all he can think about is getting stronger. It's like he...doesn't even care anymore."


"I'm going to do what I can to have him call, but...I can't make any promises."

"That's all right, Corina. You shouldn't keep Steven and Mairin waiting. I'll be sure to update Leon."

"Thank you, Professor."

"Talk to you soon, Corina."

"Bye, Professor Sycamore." She waved, and the screen turned off as he ended the call. She sighed, and her shoulders slumped. She wished she could've had better news for him.

Corina met Steven and Mairin outside, where a car was waiting for them to take them to the headquarters for Lysandre Labs.

They walked in through the lobby, and Corina had to contain her excitement. She had been to both the Devon Corporation and Lysandre Labs now in the past few days and could barely keep her head on straight.

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