Chapter Twenty

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The four of them raced towards Prism Tower. Corina had returned Arbor to give him a rest and released Eda, mega evolving her to be at her full strength. Leon released his Blastoise, Calamity, and mega evolved her as well. Professor Sycamore did the same with Garchomp. And it was a good thing, too, because when they got there, Team Flare was facing off against Ash's friends and were about to launch an attack right at Bonnie and Clemont. However, Garchomp jumped in the way just in time. The three mega evolved pokemon stood out before them, glaring at Team Flare. Corina could not be happier to see her friends.

"Professor Sycamore!"



"And Corina!"

"That was a close one."

"Is everyone okay?" Corina asked, but she didn't get an answer before Mairin drew their attention over to something behind them.

"Guys, look." They turned and saw two Zygarde fighting each other. One was a normal green, and the other was turned a dangerous red. The four of them moved closer to the rest of the group and watched. One of the Team Flare women commanded her liepard to use shadow claw, but the Blazakin-Mask was able to stop it in time. Clemont and his robot released Chespin, Bunnelby, Luxray, and Heleolisk into battle. They all commanded attacks against the liepard and druddigon.

"Serena, did you see Alain and Ash?" Mairin asked. "They said they were going to Prism Tower."

"Not yet. I haven't seen them."

"If something bad happened...."

"You don't have to worry about Alain and Ash. You know they're both strong." Serena smiled. But Mairin didn't look much better.

"I'm still so worried about Chespie, too." Then Corina remembered Chespie was still at Lysandre Labs, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Mairin? Chespie is at Lysandre Labs, right?"

"Yeah, right."

"Clemont?" Serena got her friend's attention, and they all looked over.

"Of course, you should go! Don't worry. We can handle everything around here. Take care of Mairin and Chespie."

"Clemont, thanks! Let's go. Chespie needs us."


"I'll go too!" Leon nodded.

"Count me in. Chespie won't be in danger if I have anything to say."

"Me too! I've got a car at the back of the lab." Professor Sycamore added. They all defended themselves as a dark pulse hit them.

"I don't know what you're up to, but we will not be ignored! Liepard, shadow claw!"

"Eda, use thunder!" Corina combatted the attack before it got too close.

"Nice job, Corina!" They returned their partners and ran off before the Team Flare members could stop them.

They rushed through the streets back towards the lab when a TV crew jumped out in front of them. "What are you doing in such a dangerous place?" The one with long pink hair asked them.

"We have to go to Lysandre Labs. My precious Chespie is there!"

"You jest! Why that's terrible!" The one with mid-length blue hair replied.

"So, step on the gas!"

"We happen to be from Lumiose City TV! Perfect timing! Where to? We'll whisk you there in our news copter!" They gestured over to a helicopter beside them. These people were a bit odd and theatrical, but she wasn't about to turn away a free, quick ride to their destination.

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