Chapter Thirteen

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Corina had been back in Lumiose City for a week after the incident in Hoenn. It was relaxing to be home again, but she hadn't been able to keep her mind off Alain. To think she finally found him and he was totally different than he used to be.

She walked downstairs from Sycamore's apartment into the lab early in the morning, ready to start her day of work. She found the Professor sitting by the window with a mug with the Prism Tower design in his hand, steaming coffee inside. "Good morning, Professor." She smiled at him.

"Good morning, Corina. Please, join me." He held out her mug, a pink one with a cute mareep on it. The coffee inside was still steaming and made just how she liked it.

"Where's Leon?"

"Oh, he got up early, so he's out feeding the pokemon right now." He nodded to the courtyard through the window. Corina stepped over to see Leon fending off the pokemon from jumping into their big barrels of food. She laughed. "So, Corina, what gets you up so early today? I wasn't expecting you to tell me to have coffee ready for you."

Her face became a bit more serious, and she fidgeted with her mug. "Well, Professor, I'm thinking of going to see my father today."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh? You haven't seen him since he met up with you in Laverre City. Why the sudden urge?"

"Well, I figure with almost dying in Hoenn—twice—that it'd be a good idea to visit him. I'm sure he's worried about me. But I just don't want it to turn into another fight...what do you think, Professor?"

"Let me ask you, do you miss him?"

"Of course, I do. I love him. He's my dad."

He nodded. "Right, I know that if it were Leon, I'd want to see him. Even if we did end up arguing. I'd still want to see him and know he's okay. I'm sure Alexandre feels the same."

She nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I'll head on over there." A loud crash came from the courtyard. Corina looked outside to see Leon desperately trying to fend off the pokemon attempting to get at a barrel of food that had fallen over. "But I think Leon could use a hand first." She chuckled and rushed out the doors to give her friend some help.

It was midmorning by the time Corina was on the way to her father's café. Her nerves were spiking, but Eda did her best to comfort her trainer beside her.

"Aaamphaaa! Amphaaaros!"

Corina grinned, "Thanks, Eda. You're right. I'm sure we'll be fine."

They walked up to the familiar dark purple door with bright gold lettering all over it. She took a deep breath and stepped inside. The smell of freshly baked bread and sweets struck her senses as the familiar bell above the door chimed. There were one or two patrons sitting around the café, working, socializing, or enjoying their breakfast.

"Alister! Can you handle that customer? I have to finish icing these buns!" She heard her father's voice bellow out from the kitchen. Alister had his back turned to the counter, cleaning the espresso machine with his partner, Swirlix.

"Yeah! I've got it!" He called back as Corina stepped up to the counter, her hands starting to shake. Alister turned around. "Hello, how may I help y—" He trailed off when he looked up and recognized Corina standing there.

"Hey, Alister, is Dad in the back?" She asked, pointing to the doors. He nodded slowly, still shocked that she was here. "Thanks." She adjusted her bag over her shoulder and stepped behind the counter. She hesitated a moment.

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