Chapter Ten

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Corina had spent a few days staying with Leon and Professor Sycamore in the lab before moving on to Hoenn again. Her fear of heights had not diminished in the slightest since the last time she flew, but she was willing to put up with it if it meant continuing her research for the Professor.

She had been wandering around a cave for the past hour or so, following up on a lead about an Altarianite. There were some ruins nearby being researched, and she had plans to stop there before reporting back to Professor Sycamore on her finds.

The caves were quiet aside from a distant scuttering of pokemon. Eda provided a bit of light with the bulb at the end of her tail. "Ammphaaaa."

"I know, Eda, we've been in here for a while, but I'm sure that mega stone is in here somewhere." Corina reached into her bag and tossed out a pokeball. "Maybe you can help us!"

"Swwaaaa!" Hermes flapped his fluffy wings.

"Hermes, maybe you can help us find this Altarianite?"

"Swaaaaabluuu!" He smiled, seeming confident.

Corina smiled. "That's great! Come on, let's get a move on so we can check out that cool ruins site!"



The trio continued further into the cave, but they were beginning to grow tired and frustrated that they hadn't had any luck yet.

"Swaaa?" Hermes, who had been settled on Corina's shoulder, suddenly became alert.

"Hermes? What is it?"

"Swaa!" He fluttered off her shoulder and pointed down a tunnel leading to a dead end.

"Is it down there, Hermes?"

"Swaa! Swabluu!" He trilled, excited.

"Well, come on!" She smiled and jogged down with her companions and finally reached the end and carefully brushed off the top layer of dirt to reveal something sparkly underneath. "We found it!" She chipped away the rock and pulled out the mega stone. It was rough and had yet to be polished, but it glimmered in Eda's red light. It was pink with a blue and white design in the center.

Corina was about to place the stone in her bag when a loud screech came from above. "What was that?" Corina's heart began to pound as the tunnel rumbled, sending large rocks down from the ceiling. Corina screamed and pulled in her pokemon, ready for impact, but paused when it never came. She looked up to see Hermes using cotton guard to protect them. "Hermes!"

"Swaaaaa!" He struggled to keep all the rocks away and suddenly began to glow and change shape. His neck became long and his body and wings more developed, and he grew a long feathery tail. The glowing stopped, and Corina smiled.

"You evolved!"


Corina looked around frantically, panic striking her heart as she searched for an exit. "Ammmphaa!" Eda jumped out of the protection from cotton guard.


"Ammmphaa!" She wound up and punched a hole in the rock using thunder punch. Light from the outside filtered through.

Without hesitation, Corina and Hermes followed Eda's lead towards the hole she'd created.

Corina was about to reach the outside when everything went black.

Her head was pounding as she woke to someone trying to speak to her and shaking her gently. "Hey, hey, miss? Are you all right?" Corina groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

A Study in Mega EvolutionWhere stories live. Discover now