Chapter Eighteen

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The following day the finals of the Kalos League started off with high energy and beautiful weather. Thousands of people were packed into the stadium to watch the battle between Ash and Alain. Corina and Leon were in their usual spots, both watching anxiously as both trainers took their places on the field. They both wanted their old friend to win, whether they would admit it openly or not.

Ash sent out Pikachu to start with, just as Corina would have predicted. Alain, however, released a new pokemon the stadium hadn't seen before. He released a Tyranitar, causing a sandstorm to tear through the battlefield.

"Well, this is new. We'll have to see how this new pokemon fares against Ash."

"Yeah, who knew he had a Tyranitar. I'm sure the rest of Alain's team will be powerful pokemon, too."

"I'm a bit excited to see what other pokemon he has."

"I'm just surprised he's not using Charizard. In every other match, he's started with his partner." Corina wondered aloud.

"Maybe he figured that's what Ash would think too and didn't want to risk it."

Ash quickly figured out that he could douse the sandstorm by using iron tail on the river.

"Ash sure is clever. Neither of them is going to make this an easy match." Leon observed as Pikachu launched a powerful electro-ball attack and fainted Alain's Tyranitar. Ash brought Pikachu in for a rest and released a Noivern. Alain sent out a Weavile.

Corina cocked her head as she stared at Alain. He was different in this battle. The tone of his voice, his posture, even the way he threw the pokeball was all different. He was more relaxed, maybe even almost happy. Was it only because he was finally in the finals? Or was there something else?

Although Ash was at a disadvantage in typing, he and Noivern put up a tough fight until Weavile landed a close hit, and Noivern fainted. Ash rushed out to make sure his pokemon was okay, and Hawlucha released himself from the pokeball. Ash and his pokemon really cared about each other and were a perfect team. Ash returned Noivern and left Hawlucha out.

"Hopefully, now Ash can capitalize on this type advantage and even out the score."

"Right. It's not Ash's style to go for the easy strategy, but against Alain, he should use every advantage he can get."

The two pokemon danced around each other, neither able to get a clean hit, and were evenly matched in speed and wit. Then, Hawlucha was able to get in a decisive flying-press move, and Weavile fainted.

Next for Alain was a Bisharp. Right away, Alain had Bisharp slow Hawlucha down with the thunder wave attack, then with a guillotine attack, Hawlucha was down.

"It's just one after the other. One pokemon goes out, and another goes down. It's hard to see who will have any sort of advantage when the battle goes like this." Leon commented, looking at Corina as Ash sent out a Talonflame. Alain retrieved Bisharp and sent out an Unfezant.

"It seems like this match may just come down to whoever is still standing at the end. They just need to see who can last longer."

They watched as the two flying pokemon soared high above the stadium, exchanging several blows while the spectators craned their necks to watch. However, they were both put out of the running as they each landed on the ground and fainted simultaneously.

"This is some battle. I think you're right, Corina."

Now, they switched out the current field for a grassy plain at the halfway point. Corina watched both trainers carefully as they took a break for a minute from the fast-paced battle. Her eyes shifted to Alain, and her heart stopped.

"Leon." She tapped his shoulder to get his attention but didn't take her eyes off Alain. "Leon, look. He's smiling. Alain's really smiling."

"He is."

"I haven't seen him smile since he left." She felt a smile come to her own face and her heart fluttered. It'd been so long since she'd seen him smile. She'd missed that smile.

Ash sent out Pikachu again, and Alain released his Metagross. It used agility to get away from Pikachu's attacks, and it moved with surprising speed for a pokemon its size. Pikachu had to jump on top to be able to use a move, and Metagross was trying desperately to shake him off. Pikachu was able to get in a powerful it with an iron tail and knocked out Metagross. Alain returned Metagross and released Charizard.

"Alain is getting down to business now. He's not about to let Ash pull anything else over on him." Corina commented, her eyes examining Alain's face. For the first time since before Alain left, she could read him. His expression and thought process was clear to her. Something about this battle was changing him.

Pikachu was significantly weakened from the previous battle, and it didn't take long for Pikachu to faint. Ash sent out Goodra next, and Alain returned Charizard and sent out Bisharp again. Goodra used rain dance, and a massive storm developed over the field. They were both powerful pokemon, and there was a moment when Corina thought Bisharp wasn't going to be able to push through, but with one last powerful guillotine attack, Goodra was fainted. Next up was what everyone was waiting to see, Greninja.

With one water shuriken attack, Bisharp was knocked out, and Alain sent out Charizard. They were both on their very last pokemon, now, and whatever happened could be the end of the battle. Corina's heart was beating now harder than ever.

Ash and Greninja induced their transformation as the rain died down, and Greninja's strength was practically radiating through the stadium. Alain couldn't back down from that kind of a challenge, and he and Charizard mega evolved.

"This is a real Alain battle, now. Both sides at their most powerful, giving it their all." She smiled.

Both sides attacked the other with all their strength, matching move after move. Corina subconsciously clutched at her heart, her hands shaking. She thought she was more nervous than Alain was. It was near the end of the battle, and Corina could tell the energy down on the field was changing. Both sides were different. Both trainers wanted to win more than anything and were doing everything in their power to gain the upper hand.

Finally, they both released their most powerful attacks, and the collision caused a huge explosion on the field. The stadium was pin-drop silent as they waited for the smoke to clear. She watched wide-eyed as the silhouettes of Greninja and Charizard appeared. They were both standing but were very still. Charizard stumbled, and Corina gasped, but he held his ground. Greninja stumbled too and went limp, falling to the ground and reverting to his standard form.

"Greninja is unable to battle! Charizard wins! Alain is the champion!" The crowd erupted in cheers, and Corina felt relief flood through her.

Corina and Leon joined Professor and Sycamore down on the platform for the award ceremony.

"Alain, you've created a strong bond between you and your pokemon. As a trainer, you've displayed unparalleled strength through a number of challenging battles. I applaud you." Diantha handed him the trophy.

"Thanks so much, Diantha." Alain smiled, gazing down at the award in his hands.

"Alain! Congratulations!" Ash smiled at him.

Corina locked eyes with Alain from across the platform. But before she could give him any kind of reaction, the ground began to shake. Corina looked around to see several black and red vines, almost like thick roots, bursting through the stadium. Screams broke out everywhere, and people ran to escape the stadium, chaos running rampant. 

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