Chapter Nineteen

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Everything happened so fast. Corina picked a direction and ran, she couldn't wrap her head around anything until she found herself running through a blackened part of the stadium with Alain and Ash, dodging more huge vines along the way.

"Where's Mairin?" Alain asked, the screams only muffled in the distance.

"During the finals, she didn't want to get in your way. She asked me not to tell you." Ash replied.

"She's always overthinking these things."

"It's hard to blame her after everything you said." Corina shot back at him. It was perhaps more vicious than appropriate considering the circumstances. But she didn't care. She didn't even take the time to think that this was the first time she'd spoken to him since their confrontation at Lysandre Labs. Alain looked back at her but didn't say anything.

"At a time like this, I guess I can ask. Is Mairin important to you, Alain?"

"Yeah." He stammered.

"Let's go find her! We'll help you look."

They finally broke through the stadium into the daylight. Out here, they could get a good view of just how destroyed the city was already as people ran in every direction.

"They're out here also."

"They're everywhere."

"Ash!" They looked over to see Ash's friends all running up to them.

"There you are!"

"Are you all okay?" Ash asked, looking them over.

"Yeah, we're all doing fine."

"Ash, Squishy disappeared. It ran off somewhere!" Bonnie looked distressed. Corina guessed that Squishy was a pokemon Bonnie had with her. They all looked up as a woman's voice came through the PA system.

"Giant, mysterious, creeping vines are overrunning the city. There has been major damage centered around Prism Tower. Avoid that area during evacuation." They all looked over to see even thicker vines sprouting red-flowered trees encompassing the Prism Tower. "Again. There has been major damage around Prism Tower. Avoid that area."

"What's that?" Clemont pointed. "It's glowing." As they looked closer, they could see what looked to be some kind of pokemon at the edge of the tower.

"Could it be...Zygarde? Alain wondered aloud. Corina looked over at him.

"Zygarde? How could that be? And why? Why would it be causing all of this?"

"What do you mean?"

"These vines are the work of Zygarde, for sure," Alain confirmed.

"How can you be so certain, Alain?" Corina asked. But he didn't answer right away.

"Squishy...Squishy is heading over to Prism tower!"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure of it." Without waiting, Bonnie turned and took off.

"Bonnie! Wait!"

"Go! We'll catch up with you guys later."

"What about you?"

"I'm going with Alain and Corina to find Mairin," Ash replied.

"But—" Serena tried to convince him otherwise, but Ash cut her off.

"I'll see you as soon as we find her." The trio started running off while Clemont handed Ash one last thing.

Alain and Corina ran on ahead of him while he caught up. "You should go with them," Alain said to her. He didn't take his eyes off the way ahead.

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