Chapter Six

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Corina's flight landed in the Lumiose City airport, and she got out of there and hailed a cab as fast as possible. She needed to get to the Professor's lab to see if everything was okay. Corina remembered when Garchomp came to them. She and Alain were on their way to the lab for the day when they came across her as a little Gible causing trouble.

Alain met Corina in front of the café, and they began to walk together to the Professor's lab. He had on the orange hoodie that she'd gotten for him last year as a gift. "Ready to get to work today, Alain?" She smiled at him, her heart skipping.

"Yeah. Charmander and I were working hard yesterday on learning a new move. We're very excited to show the Professor."

"You'll have to show me, too! Eda and Charmander ought to do some training together, don't you think?"

"Reeeeeep!" Eda added from beside Corina, still just a Mareep. She looked over at him, and he smiled at her. A smile so sweet, and gentle, and warm as his heart.

"Yeah! That'd be fun, for sure. I gotta get strong before my journey."

She sighed wistfully. "I wish I could go, too."

"You're still not allowed to leave?"

"Nope. Maybe if I could convince my dad to let me go with you, but that's still only maybe."

"Well, I know I'd like for you to come with me." He replied quickly. Corina felt her face flush, and she couldn't help but smile. He quickly looked away from her and rubbed the back of his neck. "Y—Y'know, cause we're good friends and all." Alain spat out to cover what could have been over-enthusiastic. Corina was about to reply when a small shriek came from a small grocer. Corina and Alain looked between each other and rushed inside.

They were met with a couple of patrons and the worker cowering by the counter. "Thank goodness, are you two trainers? This Gible just barged in here and started eating all the produce! They won't leave!" One of the patrons pointed to a corner. Corina and Alain looked to see a small Gible covered in scrapes and bruises backed into the corner munching on some berries.

They stepped towards the Gible, but it growled at them as soon as they got close. "How are we going to take care of this?" Alain looked over at her.

"I have a plan. Once we get her out of there, you grab her, and we'll take her to the lab, okay?" He nodded. She reached over and grabbed a razz berry and crouched down. "Hey there,"

"Gaaaaaaaa..." The Gible growled.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you." She smiled softly and held out the red berry towards the Gible. She watched Corina carefully. "You're hungry, right? Go on, have some." The Gible slowly inched forward, her eyes darting between Corina's hand and Corina's eyes. All Corina did was keep her breathing steady and sit still, patiently waiting for the Gible to come to her. The Gible finally reached Corina and quickly took the razz berry out of her hand and scarfed it down. As soon as she finished, Alain scooped her up.

They rushed back to the Professor's lab as quickly as they could, and the rest was history.

Finally, the cab rolled up to the front of the lab, she paid the driver, and she and Eda slid out of the vehicle. Two men were outside sweeping bits of broken stained glass, stone, and brick off the steps. A huge, gaping hole was still in the wall above the front door. "Come on, Eda." Corina rushed her partner and leaped up the steps, taking a few at a time. Without waiting to knock on the door, she stepped inside. And saw the clutter of glass and rock on the carpet. "Professor Sycamore? Leon?" She called into the inside, shutting the door behind her. She paused as she stepped on a piece of glass, and it crunched beneath her. "What happened here?" She whispered to herself. "Professor Syca—"

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