Chapter Five

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Corina's flight touched down in Petalburg City, it was a rough ride, and Corina's stomach was rocking with each bump of turbulence, her fear of flying gripping her stiff. She quickly caught a train heading for Littleroot Town, where Professor Birch's lab was, and where he was expecting her.

From what she could tell, the Hoenn region was vastly different from the Kalos region. It was much more tropical and a lot hotter. Various pokemon that were much rarer in Kalos frolicked in the scenery by the train as they crossed through Oldale Town.

The train finally arrived at the Littelroot Town, and Corina quickly gathered her things and hustled through the station with Eda, eager to meet the Hoenn Region's leading Professor. They finally found their way to the Laboratory and walked inside. It was entirely different than what she was used to with Professor Sycamore. Several lab assistants were rushing around, and everything was sleeker and more metallic. Nothing at all like the cozy environment she was used to with Professor Sycamore.

"Can I help you, miss?" She glanced over at an assistant who noticed how lost she looked.

"Yes, I'm looking for Professor Birch."

"Yes, he's right down there." He pointed to a large man with short brown hair and a beard wearing a lab coat over some casual clothes—the opposite of Professor Sycamore. Corina thanked him, and she stepped over to him, weaving in between busy techs.

"Professor Birch?"

He turned from the large screen he was looking at. "Yes?"

"I'm Corina Larch. I'm here on behalf of Professor Sycamore? He mentioned you wanted assistance gathering mega stones."

"Ahh, yes! Professor Fancy Pants mentioned you'd be here today." She couldn't help but laugh at the silly nickname he had for Sycamore. "Why don't we step in my office? I have all the data in there." He motioned to a couple of doors to their left and stepped inside.

The office was a bit messy, with files laid all across the desk with no discernable organization and books left half-open. He stepped up to a file, flipped through it, then another. "There have been reports all over the region of various pokemon capable of mega evolution." He finally found the correct file and handed it to her.


"Yes, pokemon like Salamence, Camerupt, Sharpedo, Metagross, and Lopunny, just to name a few." She flipped through the pictures taken of pokemon, and their mega evolution forms, while Eda stared over her shoulder.


"And it turns out the three starter pokemon I hand out here at the lab, Torchic, Treecko, and Mudkip, all have mega forms for their final evolutions as well."

"It's incredible that all of these pokemon are capable of such power. I wonder if other regions are capable of this as well."

"While you're here, I figured you could help me with finding a mega stone I believe to be in Meteor Falls."

"Which mega stone?"

"I'm certain it's a Salamencite, although I can't be positive until you take a look at it, you're the resident expert, after all." Corina nearly shrieked with joy from the fact that the Professor Birch was asking for her expertise on a pokemon-related subject. But she needed to save face in front of one of her idols.

Professor Birch had a helicopter waiting for them on the roof of the building, and Corina's heart sank at the prospect of flying anywhere yet again.

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