Chapter Fifteen

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Corina smiled out at the ocean view from the café she and Eda sat at as she finished her morning coffee. "This view makes me almost not want to go back home." The young trainer commented.


"I said, almost. Although Z-moves are fascinating. I wish I had more time to study them with Professor Kukui and his class."

"Amphaaarosss." Eda bleated, finishing her breakfast.

"You're right. I always could come back for a visit if I really wanted to."

"Corina?" Someone called from beside her. She looked over and smiled.

"Jan!" She stood and hugged her old friend.

"I haven't seen you since we met at the Battle Chateau! How have you been?"

"Good! What are you doing in Alola?" Corina brushed some hair behind her ear.

"Oh, you know, just traveling around with Connor." Jan gestured over to their glaceon as he was greeting Eda. "What about you?"

"Professor Sycamore sent me out here to study Z-Moves for a little while."

"When do you go back?"

"In a couple of days already. Then the Kalos league starts in a few weeks."

"Oh wow! That's gonna be fun!"

Corina had talked with her friend on the phone since meeting them at the Battle Chateau all that time ago, but she had no idea her friend was going to be in Alola.

"Listen, I'm glad I ran into you, Corina. I could actually use your help with something."

"Oh yeah? What's going on?" Corina asked, noticing the more serious tone Jan took on.

"Have you heard of Team Skull while you've been here?"

"Yeah, a little. They're a gang of thugs, right?"

"That's right." Jan nodded. "I hear they're causing trouble for pokemon near Tapu Village. I'm gonna go up there and teach 'em a lesson!"

"Are you sure, Jan? That seems a bit dangerous, doesn't it?"

"Says the girl who helped save the Hoenn region from Groudon and Kyogre."

Corina scratched the back of her neck, "Oh, you saw that?"

"You bet I saw that! So, you can't talk to me about danger. Are you in?"

"Sure. If it means helping pokemon, then I'm in."

"Wonderful! Come on! No time to waste." Jan led Corina over to the beach and released their Salamence. Corina followed suit and released Hermes from his pokeball. They each mounted their pokemon, and Corina followed Jan's lead.

"So, what exactly is going on around Tapu Village?" Corina asked over the winds.

"I've heard that they're picking on pokemon and trainers, trying to steal and forcefully capture pokemon."

"That's horrible!"

"Yeah. So, I figured they could use the help of a couple powerful trainers, huh?"

"Well, I don't know about two powerful trainers," Corina replied sheepishly.

"Jeez, Corina, you are way too modest! You're totally a strong trainer! Especially for one not following the gym challenge." Jan brushed off Corina's modesty as they reached the village. They both landed just outside the pokemon center and returned their flying pokemon.

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