«01» Smiling boy

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The tears never stopped, the cold tears rolling down flushed red cheeks never stopped to take a break. There on a small dorm bed sat a small young college-goer, Jimin who was alone, even his roommate couldn't stay. Wasn't his fault, his roommate just dropped out to follow other dreams and he understood that. He wanted to drop out every single time he opened his eyes in the morning but he couldn't. He gave his mother his word that he would finish college, something she could never do. He had to gently wipe his eyes to get the dried tears off his bottom lashes, he tightly shut his eyes and breathed deep slowly sitting up.

It took a lot for him to get out of bed especially after a rough night, he stayed up finishing an essay. Staying up late didn't help, just made things worse... a lot worse and he knew that. He was running late but it didn't feel like it because of how slow he was moving. He took sweats and a sweatshirt from off of his floor and slipped them on, he ran his fingers through his hair not bothering to use his brush.

It took him ten minutes to get outside, took him fifteen to get on campus but he eventually was on his way. Class was set to start in just a couple minutes so he saw people running and trying to make it on time but for Jimin he didn't really care. His class was one of his many film classes so they studied old film most of the time and he didn't mind missing a little bit of discussion.

The sun was covered by the clouds and it was a little bit windy, a cold chill brushed against Jimin's wet cheeks. He didn't mind the wind even though his hands were receding in his sleeves to protect themselves. Nothing compared to the cold stare he felt coming over his shoulder, burning a hole in the back of his head. He could feel it, he walked a few steps before stopping dead in his tracks. He quickly turned around to see an empty courtyard. The fountain had stopped to welcome in the cold winter but other than that nothing else seemed to be out of place.

« Please leave me alone, just for today. I'm begging you. » His words came out in a whisper fearing that others would hear him and think he was going crazy. No one responded of course so he continued on his walk towards the art building.

He was about to reach the door to the building when he felt the burning stare once again. He turned around quickly this time hoping to catch someone or something but there was nothing, only the wind.

« Please I get it, leave me alone. » He mumbled under his breath swinging the door open so hard almost hitting another student.

« Woah I'm sorry excuse me. » A boy about his size got hit with the door, it was Jimin's fault so he was confused on why this boy was apologizing.

« No.... I'm sorry. » They both just stood there standing there, the mysterious boy quickly looked down away from Jimin's gaze before running away the opposite way. Jimin just shook his head glanced behind his shoulder one more time seeing a dark shadow pass behind the fountain outside. He rolled his eyes and walked down the hallway to his class which had already started.

He makes it to class and sneaks towards the back where he finds a seat, it was rare to find a seat in the back but he was happy for it. He was actually happy to be in class, he loved it because he wasn't alone, there were many other students around him. He hated being alone so he just leaned back and listened to the lecture of some kind of old film he had never heard about before.

A flashing smile made Jimin snap his head over to two boys who were laughing at whatever the professor said. The one boy who was tall with light brown hair caught his eye right away. He couldn't help but to let a smile pass his lips as well because he loves seeing others have fun. He never was able to have fun with friends because all he knew was this group of boys who hurt him and ruined his life. It was just refreshing to see but his smile faded when he looked past the two boys and saw a shadow man peering through the window. His heart started to race and he looked back towards the front of the room trying not to think about it.

« Namjoon stop oh my god. » One of the smiling boys whispered, 'Namjoon' that sounded familiar but Jimin has never seen this boy in the class before.

He felt like he knew Namjoon for some reason he sounded so familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it, he tried not to think about it. He couldn't help but think that this tall boy was cute and a smile reappeared on his lips even when Namjoon turned around and they made eye contact. His heart fell through his chest and he choked letting his smile falter trying to go back to the lecture and what was being said because he knew this would be important.

As soon as the class was over he ran out of there, scared to see this tall Namjoon boy and talk to him. His heart was beating really fast and he thought that was terror racking through his body so he wanted to go out. He ran down to the cafe to get away and it worked. No one followed him, not even the demons from his past and for once he felt safe and sound drinking his hot chocolate.

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