«18» Heart broken

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« The pizza will be here any minute, let's watch a show or something. » Namjoon plopped down on the couch resting his arm on the back, behind Jimin. He sighed, reaching for the remote and turning it on, he didn't even feel when Jimin scooted away from his touch. Jimin just felt uncomfortable, after what he heard just a few moments ago.

« Ooooo here, let's play this. It's my favorite. » Jimin wasn't listening, he was busy looking down. The feeling of disappointment filled his whole body as he tried to lean away from Namjoon's touch.

Namjoon unconsciously adjusted himself and positioned his body closer to Jimin, he reached for the blanket and pulled it over the both of them. He didn't notice Jimin kept scooting away until he moved his arm to be on Jimin's shoulders pulling him closer. They did this before, it was on the edge of cuddling and it definitely got both of their hearts racing but now Jimin didn't like it. It now made him sick to his stomach. He just thought about Jungkook, Namjoon's 'workout buddy' which he swears that they only see each other at the gym but it doesn't really seem like that anymore.

« Are you okay? When we got back you hadn't been saying anything and now you're pushing me away. Did something happen? » He was hurt, all he wanted to do was be close to his friend but he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He would just die if he ever did something to make Jimin upset.

« Yeah I'm fine, just tired out from the snowmen. » He tried to play it off, he didn't want to admit that he was listening in to his conversation earlier. He didn't want to make him upset and feel like he invaded his privacy like that because that definitely wasn't his intention.

« Are you sure? » He tried to reach out again, he tried to brush the back of his hand over Jimin's cheek but he flinched, he actually flinched which took Namjoon completely off guard.

« Yeah I-I'm sorry I should go. » He quickly gets up and runs off to his room, it all happened so fast and it just left Namjoon stunned. He didn't know what to do or say really. Should he go over to his room and knock? Should he go and talk to him to make sure that he was okay?

Once he got to his room he just stood there, he felt tears prick his eyes. He was so confused about why his heart was beating fast with every breath that he took. When he thought about Jungkook he wanted to scream, he wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear from the world. He just wanted to throw up, so he ran to his bed and slid under the covers. He just heard silence, hot tears ran over his cheeks and he tried to stay as quiet as possible so that Namjoon couldn't hear him.


What did he do wrong, when Jimin ran off he just stayed on the couch. He didn't move, he was so confused about what went wrong. He went through everything that happened and he just didn't know what went wrong. He just assumes that he was a little too touchy. That's just how he was with people that liked, he couldn't help it especially with Jimin and he couldn't understand it himself.

He didn't go after Jimin, he just wanted to leave him alone because he obviously did something wrong so he didn't want to make it worse. He sat on the couch in silence until the pizza came, he had turned off the tv and was trying to think.


The silence was starting to get loud, it sounded like white noise in his head buzzing around. He felt taps on his head above the blanket, like someone was trying to get his attention which startled Jimin at first. He held his breath wiping his tears quickly thinking that Namjoon was in his room. He ripped the blanket off to see nothing, he sighed and looked up at the ceiling, his breath hitched in his throat when he saw a black shadow.

It danced along the ceiling and he hasn't seen anything weird in a while which was really weird. He watched this black shadow stop right above the bed and he just didn't seem to care. His cheeks were stained with tears and he felt tired not really wanting to hide from this.

'You thought he liked you, that's funny.' His internal voice was heard as a whisper from the shadow, it laughed at him.

« Shut up. » He kept his voice very quiet, not wanting to be heard by Namjoon. The shadow took shape as a person making his heart drop. Loud knocking on the door caught him off guard, the shadow instantly evaporated and he gasped scared from the sudden noise.

« Hey the pizza is here, I made you a plate Ummm I'll just leave it outside your door... » Namjoon didn't really know what was happening but he knew that Jimin needed to eat, he also couldn't eat a whole pizza by himself. He just wished that he could eat with his friend.

« Thank you. » You could tell he was crying, his voice was trembling, Jimin wanted to die just now at how he sounded but Namjoon didn't question.

« I hope you're okay. » He sets the plate down and rests the palm of his hand on the door just wishing he could go in and make things better. He didn't want to pry or make things worse so he just took his own dinner to his own room so that he wouldn't mess anything up further.

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