«17» Of course...

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They were having such a blast out there in the snow that they weren't paying attention to the time. They made three snowmen of varying sizes and some snow angels, they even tried making an igloo but that came crashing down after a dog ran into it causing them both to fall and just laugh. They did notice that the kids at this park started to dwindle down, it was nearing lunch and everyone went inside to drink hot chocolate and relax near the fire.

Jimin was sitting in the snow, he was breathing heavily as he just watched Namjoon pack the scarves he brought in his bag. He looked as he fixed his beanie and he seemed to be stuck in place, that was until a hand reached out towards him helping him up off the ground.

« Ready to go home? I have some hot chocolate. » Namjoon spoke, 'home' he didn't say 'my place' he said 'home' which kind of sent Jimin into a shock. Why would he say something like that? His mind went fuzzy as Jimin nodded and they started their walk back.

« I had a lot of fun... out here with you. Thank you for showing me what it's like to play out in the snow, I didn't realize that it would be like this. » He loved building snowmen especially with someone else, it was incredible and he would never forget this moment ever.

« See, I knew you would love it, it's gonna snow some more this week so we can go back and make more if you want.... I mean since you had fun today. » He kicked some of the snow as they walked looking down at the snow, seeing little dog paw prints.

« Yeah, I would love that, only if you do the heavy lifting, those snowballs get so heavy I can't stack them. » This makes them both laugh as they had flashbacks to Jimin trying to lift the snowballs to stack them on top of each other, he didn't expect them to be so heavy.

Namjoon held open the front door for Jimin and they both walked into the apartment. Namjoon took his jacket and gloves off first and quickly went over to help Jimin. He hung their coats up and they went on their way to get changed into something comfy and something less wet from all that snow. Namjoon felt his phone buzzing in his pocket when he entered his room, he let out a sigh when he saw the name 'Jungkook.'


« Hello Kook, what's up? » He went over to his dresser opening it up and grabbing some clothes.

« Hey Joonie, how's living with your one true love? » He came out strong with that question making Namjoon almost choke. He squinted his eyes knowing that Jungkook was smirking really hard at his own question.

« Oh, you know... fun? We went out today and built some snowmen and stuff you know my usual. I just had so much fun with him today and he enjoyed it too. » Jungkook nods even though they couldn't see each other, the younger rolls around on his bed biting his lip. He wanted Namjoon to be happy like this, he didn't know a lot about him but he did know Jimin was a good fit for his friend.

« So you admit you're in love with him? » He laughs causing a super red blush to creep onto Namjoon's cheeks making him feel super embarrassed. He hasn't said it out loud yet, a part of him didn't want to admit it but he knew he was going to need to.

« Why am I even talking to you about this? » He laughs rubbing the palm of his hand on his face trying to get his stuff together for bed. The L-word was huge and he shouldn't be throwing it around but what else could he be feeling?


He stood there in the doorway of his room for a couple of seconds just looking, he heard Namjoon's door close so he took advantage of the silence. He took off his clothes when he closed the door going to search for something comfortable to wear. He got out sweats and a t-shirt, quickly changed, and headed back out into the living room expecting Namjoon to be there but he wasn't.

He waited for just a few moments before he heard talking, at first he thought he was talking to him seeing as though he was the only one in the apartment but soon realized he was on the phone. Of course, because he had friends and family and it was winter break, he wasn't going to be there at Christmas with his family so, of course, he needs to call them. He felt super ashamed because he was keeping him from his own family and friends but he was curious. Let's just say curiosity killed the cat, he heard a word that caught his attention. Before he knew it he was walking towards Namjoon's bedroom.

He tried to be as quiet as he could but he couldn't tell who he was on the phone with, he was speaking in a tone that Jimin didn't understand. He quietly pressed his ear to the door to at first hear nothing but then he heard a giggle, one that Jimin never heard before. This whole thing was weird Namjoon was talking in a completely different tone and Jimin couldn't quite figure it out.

« Is it too early to say 'I love you'? » This peaked Jimin's interest, his heart started to beat really fast and he stumbled. He accidentally stumbled back, he created a loud noise accidentally and he felt as if he couldn't see. His heart caught in his throat and he wanted to choke but he couldn't think the next thing he knew the door started to open and he ran towards the couch.

« Hey sorry I was on the phone with Jungkook, I see you got all settled. » In the heat of things Jimin grabbed the closest blanket and threw it over himself pretending to have been there the whole time.

« Oh sorry, I just grabbed it. » Jungkook.... He said that to Jungkook, deep down he knew it but he didn't want to say anything, it was Jungkook.

« No, it's okay, here scoot over. » He did, he followed what Namjoon said and he lifted the blanket so the older could climb right in next to him. Jimin took a deep breath trying to keep enough space between them but it was really hard, especially when his heart was shattering and he didn't know why.

He always knew it would be Jungkook, a part of him couldn't be mad. However, he was so wrong and Namjoon didn't know why Jimin was being so distant, he just played a movie oblivious to everything.

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