«29» Dream Catcher

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« So, I can come over, right? » Jungkook was laying on his bed playing with one of his keychains. He was waiting because he was supposed to have a conversation with Jimin, a really important one, and he was kind of excited.

« Yeah, Jimin said it was okay, he sounded more than okay which doesn't make me feel any better. » Namjoon was picking at his fingers, he was mad, angrier than upset knowing that Jimin likes Jungkook whether as a friend or more. He didn't like thinking about the two together, it made him sick to his stomach more than anything.

« Hey, I can assure you he is head over heels for you, I mean based on what you told me. I could be totally reading this wrong. » He let out a giggle but coughed when he heard nothing on the other side of the line, an awkward silence went over the phone line.

« Just come over and don't make anything worse, we have to live with each other for another week and if you mess this up then he'll leave and I don't want him on his own out there. » Jungkook sighed at these words, Namjoon always cared about everyone but he cared just a little more about Jimin which annoyed him.

« Number one, he's an adult in college. He knows his way and he's not a little kid so don't treat him like one. Number two where was this energy when I broke my ankle and had to stay with you until I could walk, as soon as I could stand you kicked me to the curb and I got lost on the way home. You said 'sucks to suck' mean, you were mean, very mean. » Jungkook pouts and whines but it was true, Namjoon never really liked when people stayed in his apartment but he was nice and loved his friends so he would do anything for them. Namjoon changed with Jimin, a guy he barely knew and he welcomed him in with no issue and no complaints.

« Well it's Jimin, I guess I have always had a soft spot for him, that's not even the point I'm just protective over him and there are weirdos out there. Just come over and we can talk when you're here. » The younger smiled and climbed off of his bed quickly sliding on his boots, Namjoon just ended the call without another word, and as if on cue he heard a thud and a door slam making him run out into the living room.

« Minnie? Are you okay? » He was expecting to see Jimin on the couch or picking something up that he dropped but there was no one, well there was something on the floor, a plate from their waffles but Jimin was nowhere to be found which made Namjoon's heart thud against his ribcage.

« Yeah... » His voice was small but it was coming from the bathroom, he was sitting on the floor with his knees up to his chest. He was crying and closing his eyes tightly trying to imagine all of these things away. He went a few days without seeing anything, he hadn't seen shadows in so long but now they were back more intense than ever and he didn't know what to do.

He was afraid he was going to have to tell Namjoon about this, he knew he had to, he needed Namjoon to protect him from all of this. Namjoon was like his little dream catcher, every time he slept beside him he wouldn't be in danger of his own thoughts. There was something to it, he knew it, there was a reason that Namjoon helped him through this dark time he just needed to tell Namjoon that. Tell him because he was afraid that when he would go back to his dorn after this break that he would go back to the darkness and the demons and he didn't want that.

« Min, are you okay with what happened? » He knew things were weird with Jimin, this isn't the first time something like this happened and he was just a little confused about it. What was going on? Why was Jimin acting so weird, he didn't know why but that didn't mean he could leave Jimin like this.

He knocked against the bathroom door trying the doorknob with no use, it was locked from the inside. His heart sank when he tried it again, failing a second time and knocking just a little harder.

« Minnie please are you hurt? » His mind was racing with thoughts, he rested his head against the wooden door however he heard nothing on the other side. He was worried wondering what happened but it was no use until he heard faint sobbing on the other side. After a few moments of hearing the crying the door unlocked and he felt the door pull from his forehead revealing Jimin, standing there with red cheeks however there were no tears running down his face but his eyes were red and teary still.

« What happened, you're worrying me, Min, what's going on. » He knew there was something, something that he wasn't telling him and he was really worried. He wanted to reach out and touch his red cheeks however he remained still and couldn't move.

« There's something that I haven't told you and I want to because I'm really scared and you make things better. I need to tell you to make this all go away but every time I try something comes up so I feel like it's better that I don't tell you. I'll scare you away, you won't believe me and you'll kick me out and I have nowhere to stay until they open my dorm. I have told no one and it doesn't make sense. » He didn't want to cry anymore but when the plate crashed down off the coffee table he didn't know what to do. They were getting angry and they didn't like that Namjoon was helping him get rid of the demons in his mind.

« Tell me, Min I won't kick you out and I just want you to talk to me. I won't give a bad reaction because I will believe everything you say. Please I want to be able to help you and no one here's to stop us from talking. » Just as he said those last words there was a knock on the door making Jimin laugh through his tears.

« Funny, that must be Jungkook, go answer and I'll try to cool off my face. » The two laugh awkwardly and Namjoon goes off to answer the door as Jimin closes the bathroom door again to wash his face. Maybe this was the universe's way of telling him that he should keep this to himself, it was too much of a burden.

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