«06» Another get together?

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Class came way too soon for Jimin's liking, he felt like he had no time for anything. He came home from the little studying group and all of a sudden he woke up on Monday morning. He did sleep most of the time and refused to get out of bed, only to get food and go to the bathroom. He didn't leave his apartment at all, only hiding under the covers feeling the safety that was under them. Nothing could touch him, nothing was there to scare him, it was just him sitting there with his thoughts and the silence of his bedroom.

He didn't go outside so when he stepped outside to walk to school he realized how cold it really was. He was only wearing a hoodie and he was actually upset that he didn't add another layer on top to keep him warm. He did shove his hands in his pockets as he walked hoping that his fingers wouldn't turn blue from the cold. He almost didn't want to go to his first class because Namjoon would be there and he hasn't talked to him ever since Saturday when they had the study group. He left no text and even forgot that he had Namjoon's number because he wasn't going to text any time soon.

He entered the class and instantly walked to the back to his normal spot. He started pulling out his notebooks and a pencil so he could take notes. He instantly started to write down the questions that were printed onto the board because he knew that would become important. He heard footsteps walking all around him as people flooded the classroom but a certain set of footsteps stopped right in front of his desk. He brushed his hair out of his eyes when he looked up to see the tall handsome man he really didn't want to see at that moment.

« Oh my god hey are you okay? You ran out on Saturday and didn't say anything, I got so worried and I didn't have your number so I was just hoping that you would text me or something, but are you okay? What happened? » The worry in Namjoon's voice really threw Jimin off, why was he so worried? Why did he seem to care so much about him? All of this was very weird and he didn't know what to think about all of this.

« I'm fine I promise. » He just shook his head and looked back down at his notebook continuing to write down the questions from the board.

« Why did you run off? Was it because of Hoseok? I swear to god I have talked to him and told him not to ask you anything weird but he never listens to me. » He swung his bag down and flopped down in the seat right next to the younger, he had this worry in his eyes which made Jimin squint and look at him for a second.

« Umm no really I'm okay, it's just sometimes rain and storms give me anxiety and I wanted to get home before anything crazy happened. » He lied, he actually loved storms and rain because it gave his mind something to think about other than the demons that occupied his life. He couldn't tell him the truth because that could cause a whole set of other problems that he didn't want to get into.

« Oh well I guess that makes sense but you could have told me or texted because I was really worried about you. » Namjoon reached his hand out on the desk trying to make sure that Jimin knew that he actually cared. They had just met but he considered the younger one of his friends and he wanted him to know that.

« Didn't know you would actually care that much didn't really think about it. » This was sort of a lie because the tall brown hair male never left his mind. As he laid there under the covers he kept thinking about Namjoon and what he was doing, if he was thinking about him, even thinking about that stupid smile of his. He didn't want to think about him because he didn't want to be in another friend group but he couldn't help it.

« Well I do care so please when you can text me so that I can have your number as well and I can check up on you because I care about all of my friends. » There was that word 'friend' Jimin didn't believe it and just shook his head. Friends can't care that much, no one could care that much about him.

« Speaking about friends, I am having another friend get together tonight. We are watching a new movie that is coming out and would love it if you joined. There will be a couple more people but I think you will really like them, I promise they are not like Hoseok and about him, I will talk to him and he won't be allowed to talk to you at all okay? We're going to make popcorn and cookies, it's going to be a good time. » He was excited to invite Jimin, but he was worried that he would say no because there will be more people.

« I don't know I will have to think about it... I mean I don't think I'm ready to jump into a room with a whole lot of people after Saturday. » He shrugs because he wanted to just crawl back into his bed and hide from the world. The demons that followed him couldn't reach him under the covers well... they existed outside of the covers but he couldn't see them so that meant he was safe.

« Okay well text me please! And I'll let everyone know you are deciding whether or not to come. » He didn't want to pressure his new friend but he did want to edge him towards the option of going because he will be a great addition to the group.

« I'll see whether I want to go or not. » He didn't want to sound mean but it was true, he didn't know if he actually wanted to go or not. Namjoon just smiled, with those perfect teeth before walking away towards Hoseok who was sitting waiting for him obviously annoyed with it all.


« Please tell me why you are still trying with him? » Hoseok was obviously annoyed, tapping the ball of his foot on the ground. He hated the way he was forcing Jimin into their friend group as if high school didn't happen.

« Of course I am, why not? He seems really sweet and I just want to get to know him. » Namjoon glanced behind his shoulder looking back at Jimin who was focusing really hard on his notebook and writing which he found really cute for some reason.

« So we are just going to forget the whole Jung-Hoon thing? Like that past didn't happen? He hung out with a murderer no one does that accidentally he knew what he was doing the whole time. He is just as guilty as Jung-Hoon is and dare I say he should be in jail for knowing him and what he did. » Hoseok just couldn't wrap his mind around their conversation a couple days ago. How could someone spend time with a criminal then act like none of that happened and they are just innocent in everything. He wasn't buying it and the idea that Jimin was coming into his friend group made him really upset.

« Didn't I tell you that you would see how innocent he truly is, he couldn't do any of the things Jung-Hoon did, I just know it. Did he creep you out during the study group? Because I didn't get any creepy vibes in fact I was worried for him, the way he just ran out he looked so scared. He's afraid of storms and rain so you're trying to tell me that he is the same as Jung-Hoon? Because I don't see it but maybe you do. » Hoseok didn't know what to say, he knew that his friend was right, he just didn't want to believe it, he didn't want to admit that he could be wrong.

« If you don't like him then that's okay, just don't go around making him uncomfortable because you think he is evil. He isn't like Jung-Hoon and I do want to know about that whole situation but I can't just ask if he has to be willing to share. » He is curious he won't lie, he wants to know how Jimin found himself hanging out with someone like a criminal

« Fine but if anything crazy happens he's done. » Hoseok pressed his finger towards Namjoon almost like a warning.

« yeah, yeah you've mentioned that. » He just rolls his eyes, shakes his head and paying attention to the lecture that had just started.

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