«19» Emotional

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Things were now weird between the two, Jimin distanced himself so much that he only came out of his room to go to the bathroom and the kitchen to eat. Namjoon couldn't understand why this was happening, he felt so upset but he didn't want to bother Jimin. He did see the red eyes and wet lashes that Jimin had but he couldn't say anything, he didn't want to. He didn't want to make anything worse.

Jimin was struggling, not only with Namjoon and Jungkook but with his own deeper problems. For a brief moment, he didn't see any shadow people or hear anything that wasn't there but now.... It went back to normal. He started seeing things, he started seeing Jung-Hoon again. It was all in his head and he knew that that didn't mean that it wasn't scary. He was terrified and every night he would get sleep paralysis and it got to the point where he couldn't feel sad about Jungkook he just felt drained of all his emotions.

One night was different, he skipped dinner even though Namjoon was trying to drag him out of his room. He just wasn't in the mood, his skin was pale like he was sick and all he could do was lay there staring at the wall. He couldn't even cry anymore he was just completely drained of all his tears, he was too dehydrated.

« Hey Minnie, can I see you, please? I want to know if you're okay and I want to know what I did wrong. » Namjoon rested his head against Jimin's bedroom door, he sighed hearing nothing. For a moment he got scared but as soon as he wiggled the doorknob to try and see if everything was okay he heard a tired voice.

« Hold on. » He got up out of bed and went over to the door, he realized that he was being ridiculous, he felt like things were going to be different but nothing was different. They were still going to be friends and nothing was going to come in between that so he opened the door.

« Hey. » His voice was soft and small as he stood there, his cheeks gained a little bit of color when he saw Namjoon's arms. He was wearing short sleeves so his muscles were popping out making the younger blush like crazy. He didn't realize that him going to the gym meant that he was going to be ripped like this.

« I'm sorry, for whatever I did. » He quickly grabbed Jimin's arm bringing him into a tight hug, he should have asked if it was okay to hug him but his emotions got the best of him and he just did it without thinking. Jimin hugged back.

He wrapped his arms around the older's waist, he took a deep breath in feeling the warmth surrounding his body. Namjoon held on tight not wanting to let go but eventually, he did. He pushed Jimin slightly back to see the red under his eyes and the dried tears on his cheeks.

« What did I do, please tell me. » He walked Jimin over to the couch and they both sat down, Jimin sighed realizing how dumb he was as he thought back over past events.

« I just never had a good friend before and I guess I'm just afraid that you'll leave me behind when someone comes into your life. I feel so stupid because you're going to have other friends who aren't me, you already have other friends and I guess I need to realize that at the end of the day I won't be as important to you as I think I am. » That was it of his concerns, well that's what he thought anyway, his heart still aches thinking about Jungkook but it was just because he didn't want to lose him as a friend... right?

« What are you talking about? You are important to me, every one of my friends is important to me. I won't leave you behind ever and I don't want you thinking that you're never going to be able to get rid of me even if you tried your hardest. » He huffed out a laugh looking into Jimin's eyes seeing the concern that surrounded him. He didn't want Jimin feeling that way but he understood why his "friends" in the past left him and he has no reason to believe that Namjoon won't do the same thing.

« I know this is stupid, I'm letting past trauma get the better of me but I can't help it. » Namjoon knew that, he didn't want to pry or get into all of that right now, it wasn't his place to do so instead he drug the younger into a hug.

He swayed on the couch with Jimin in his arms until Jimin started to laugh, then he flipped them around so that they were laying down and now Jimin was on top of Namjoon laying his head directly on the elder's chest. Hearing Namjoon's heartbeat made him really calm down.

« It's okay, I know but I will be here forever. » They stayed in this hug for a long time, Jimin's heart was starting to mend but something in him felt empty. He couldn't describe what he was feeling but it was better than what he was feeling.

« Now let's watch something to take your mind off things, and maybe tomorrow we can go make snowmen again? » Jimin nods and leans in just a little more.

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