«08» This doesn't feel right

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Here is a floor plan I created for Namjoon's apartment just in case you get confused, I have a wild imagination and sometimes I can't explain what things look like.

Here is a floor plan I created for Namjoon's apartment just in case you get confused, I have a wild imagination and sometimes I can't explain what things look like

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« Why do you want to know this kid so badly? I mean what makes him different from the other kids in your film classes? » Namjoon was sitting on the bar stool in his kitchen talking to Seokjin, Jungkook was the first one to show up so he introduced him to Jimin and they seemed to get along pretty well.

Namjoon didn't really hang out with Jungkook. They would go to the gym sometimes together but they weren't in the same major program so it was hard for them. He did know that leaving Jimin alone with him was fine, they were both the exact same, shy and only talked when they were spoken to. They are a perfect match which angers Namjoon a little. That's why his finger taps on the marble countertop were so aggressive, making Seokjin see kind of what was going on.

« hellooo Earth to Namjoon. » Jin waved his hand in front of Namjoon's face, he was avoiding his question and overall wasn't paying attention. Namjoon snapped out of it and quickly looked back up to his friend remembering the question.

« I don't know if he's just really smart, I've seen his reviews on movies and he has a lot to say for someone who barely speaks a word. He's also the only one worth looking at in my first class. I mean those cheeks? The fluffiest things you will ever see in your life, also when they grow a bit pink when the professor makes him read out a question or answer something. » He dragged on looking down at the counter top not really realizing what he was saying.

« No way! You're in love with this kid! Who would have known little Namjoon would have a crush this late in life! » Namjoon was never known to have crushes on anyone or if he did he kept them to himself which was hard seeing as he spoke everything that was on his mind. He was just trying to focus on his studies so he didn't even notice that what he was saying was stuff that lead towards him being in love which was super weird for him to think.

« What? No! God no I don't have a crush on him. I like him as a friend and only a friend nothing else. Stop looking at me like that! » He was now so embarrassed and couldn't believe what this conversation had turned into. He hated it, hated the way Seokjin pointed a spoon at him with a smirk. He truly hated all of it.

« God why would you say something like that, it's truly ridiculous that you would even bring that up. » He was being so defensive which made Jin smirk even more and shake his head.

«Whatever you say. » Right then the door to the apartment opened walking in someone obviously from their friend group. Namjoon's friends always would just come and go as they pleased and he didn't really mind, they all knew how to respect boundaries so it wasn't a big deal.

« Who enters. » Jin announces in a funny narrator voice as footsteps come from behind the wall revealing who had just walked in.

« It is I, now the party can really begin. » Seokjin rolled his eyes when he looked up to see vodka and beer bottles in his hand. The loud clanging of the bottle got Jungkook and Jimin's attention who were in the living room but they stayed put after hearing Hoseok's voice.

« So you just ignored me when I said no alcohol. » Namjoon quickly dropped out of there before the small argument could take place.

He walked back into the living room where his smile completely dropped, Jimin and Jungkook were completely immersed in a conversation and Namjoon couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. He had to push and press Jimin to even speak a word but Jungkook could come in here and completely get him to open up just like that? It was really frustrating but he tried not to think much of it as he took a seat on one of his chairs as the two talking took up the couch.

« Oh Nammie, you want to go to the gym this week? Seeing as campus is about to close for winter break? » Namjoon couldn't remember the last time he went to the gym but he nodded without really thinking.

Jimin didn't like the way Jungkook called him 'Nammie' . It seemed like they were really close even though they really weren't. However, thinking about Namjoon going to the gym made a bright blush appear over Jimin's ears which no one seemed to catch thankfully.

« Okay so anyway I told him to just get away from me and he wouldn't. » Jungkook went back to telling Jimin about a story he was in the middle of telling. He was getting hyped up and Jimin was just sitting there not knowing how to react.

« Ugh yeah he was an old high school friend who fell in love with you blah, blah. » Hoseok walked into the room with a small plate of pineapple rings. He has heard this story multiple times so he was kind of over it, he plopped down next to the younger and wrapped one of his arms around him yanking him closer.

« Hyungie. » Jungkook yelped as everyone else who had just shown up started to come into the room and gather on the ground. Jimin knew that Hoseok was trying to get his friend away from him, it was so obvious the way he just shoved him over almost completely over his lap.

« Hoseok, knock it off and play the movie. » Namjoon saw how uncomfortable this whole thing was making Jimin so he quickly tossed the remote over to his friend who had to let go of Jungkook to catch it and turn the movie on.

As he did that Jungkook was coming down from laughter as he grabbed ahold of Jimin's arm cuddling in closer, this made Jimin feel some sort of weird way and for some reason right when it happened he snapped his head over to Namjoon to see if he was seeing this. Jungkook then grabbed the blanket and laid it over both of them so now they were cuddled up and under the same blanket. This just made Namjoon's blood boil but he quickly lost his annoyed expression when he looked over to see Seokjin giving him a knowing glance. All he could do in the moment was roll his eyes and focus on the screen that was now playing the movie.

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