«23» Someone else

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He didn't know where to go, he didn't think that Jimin knew the area around his apartment. He was scared as small snowflakes blew up into the air off of the trees. He looked around but didn't see him anywhere and now panic started to set in. He walked around running his fingers through his hair panicking when he couldn't find Jimin. He was probably cold and lost and he couldn't find him. All of a sudden a lightbulb went off in his head and he ran in the opposite direction. There was only one place for the younger to be, the park where they built snowmen.

He took a deep sigh when he ran up and saw Jimin sitting there on the swing set. He was so relieved but Jimin was shivering and crying. Tears were streaming down his face as he walked up to the shivering boy who was sobbing loudly. His heart couldn't handle all of this, he couldn't stand there and watch.

« I knew I would find you here. » He placed the jacket he brought around Jimin's shoulders. He quickly lost his sobs and looked up quickly, wiping his tears off of his cold cheeks.

« I'm sorry I just ran. » He looked away towards the park equipment shaking his head. Namjoon was just confused at this point but knew he did something wrong so he wanted to make this all right.

« It's okay, just next time wear a jacket. » He slapped the palm of his hand on top of Jimin's. He saw the way he flinched which took him off guard. He retracted his hand looking at Jimin's face to try and see if he could stop something wrong.

« I'm sorry, I'm letting these emotions flood over my mind. » He shook his head wiping his own tears off of his cold cheeks. There he was, confused again and just needing some answers.

« What's going on, you've been acting weird and I need to know what I did. » Tears of his own started to pool up in his eyes. He never made any of his friends sad like this, if he did make them upset they would tell him what he did wrong so why couldn't Jimin just tell him so that he could apologize and change.

« I'm sorry it's so stupid but I've never felt this before and I don't know what to do about it. » His heart had shattered and he just wished that the pain would go away. Namjoon didn't know he was hurting, if he did he would have walked into this situation way differently.

« Tell me how you're feeling so I can help, is it about moving in with me? I can get you a hotel if it gets too much. We still have a couple of weeks of this. » He wants Jimin comfortable and if he isn't then he failed as a friend.

« No, living with you has been great, it's just... Jungkook is just your friend, right? » There he was bringing up Jungkook again, he had no idea how. What did Jungkook have to do with all of this? Why was Jungkook always in the middle of their problems?

« Yeah, Jungkook is my friend? We go to the gym together and he gives me great advice, why are you asking? Did he make you feel uncomfortable or anything? » He was swaying on the swing seat but he stopped himself, Jungkook wouldn't do anything to make anyone feel uncomfortable but if he did he wouldn't be able to forgive him for that.

« That's all you do together because... I-I overheard you on the phone with him. I am so sorry I shouldn't invade your privacy like that, it's just you said you loved him. It's just a lot. I don't know why this is affecting me so much. I guess as a friend I don't want to see you hurt and you said it yourself you don't really hang out with him which means you don't really know him. » He rambled without making any eye contact with Namjoon at all and Namjoon couldn't help but smile, was this jealousy?

« Is that the only part of the conversation you heard? » He should be mad but he's not, he thought it was cute that Jimin worried like that. If he knew the whole conversation then they would be having a much different conversation.

« Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't want to invade your privacy. » Namjoon just laughed looking over to see Jimin's face. He gently brushed the back of his hand against Jimin's cheek feeling how cold he was.

« Well, if you listened to the whole thing then you would know I was talking about someone else, someone close to me, someone who I want to spend my life with, someone who just came into my life but I already know how I feel about them. » His dimples poked out which was the cutest thing he did because Jimin saw them and melted. The younger one nodded his head and smiled this made Namjoon really confused and his smile dropped a little.

« Oh... well I'm happy for you then, finding someone that you really care enough to say the "L-word." » He bit his lip, he nodded and looked the other way towards the park watching the kids play in the snow.

« Yeah... » Realization hit him, he probably was upset because he had a crush on Jungkook, that was the only explanation that he could come up with on why he was so sad. He didn't realize that Jimin was thinking something else, that he must have a crush on someone else who wasn't him.

« Let's go home, I'll make you a bubble bath and make you something to eat. You've let all these emotions run through your mind, you deserve some relaxation. » He packed up his feelings and shoved them deep into his heart and stood up. He reached his hand out for Jimin to take which he did reluctantly and they both started the journey home, hand in hand.

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