«11» Stay with me

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The amount of pressure that Jimin put on himself was a lot, it was heavy on his shoulders. He sat on the edge of his bed thinking, coming up with a pro and con list about going to live with Namjoon for a couple weeks. He couldn't really think about any cons, plus the thought about being able to live with his new friend gave him butterflies. He laid on his back on his bed looking up at the ceiling not really knowing what to think about. He had already studied and did all he could so finals were going to go how they were going to go, he just wanted this week to be over.

He wanted this feeling to go away which he soon got distracted by the shapes dancing across his ceiling.


« Does he know that I'm sorry? » Namjoon and the rest of his group were hanging out in the cafe on campus. They were all studying together nervously for the week ahead of them. Hoseok truly felt bad for what he did, he knew he was a dumbass. He knew that he was wrong for what he did and how bad he hurt Jimin.

« No, because you haven't apologized, I apologized but you need to tell him yourself. » Namjoon was kind of annoyed, why would he apologize for someone else? Hoseok and basically everyone could tell that he was annoyed so they didn't join the conversation. The air was thick with annoyance and hatred and everyone found it hard to even breathe.

« You're right I'm sorry, if I see him before break I'll apologize I just haven't seen him, he's been avoiding me for good reason. » They all nodded in agreement, of course he was ignoring Hoseok, it didn't surprise anyone. When he saw the younger on campus he would just run away, he couldn't even get close to him to say a simple 'hi'.

« I just feel like you should step back for a while and luckily for you winter break is around the corner, go home and get some help. Learn to not act the way you do. » Seokjin shrugged, he was tired of this Hoseok, the Hoseok who constantly needed alcohol to get drunk and drunk him was the worst. He wanted his friend to get help because at this rate no one wanted to be with him or hang out with him.

« You're right, I need to just take this break and step back to get some help. » He knew this wasn't going to last, his attitude. He wanted to get help which he thought he would never want but he didn't just hurt Jimin he hurt all of his friends which made his heart ache.

« Of course I'm right, now study so you can pass your exams. » Jin pointed down at the notebook in front of the younger


His heart started to pound in his chest when he grabbed his phone, opening the chat messages between him and Namjoon. He knew he needed to tell Namjoon he would live with him during winter break but he was scared. Well he thought he was scared but he didn't have any other explanation for his beating fluttering heart. He didn't even know what to type but before he knew it his thumbs were flying over the keyboard.


-Hey Joon


-Hey Minnie what's up?

Jimin sighed with a smile reading that pet name, it really messed with him and he didn't really understand why.


-I want to come live with you over break, I mean if that's still okay

What if he asked someone else because he took too long to respond? He knew that wouldn't be the case but he didn't know it could happen and he was nervous.


-Of course it's still okay! I would love it if you were to live with me


-Good because I really want to

He did, that was the truth and he could see the smile on Namjoon's face from a mile away. He was really predictable but he did find that cute.


-Yay! After finals I'll come over to help you pack!


-You don't have to do that, I mean I don't have to pack that much just clothes and my toothbrush.

He didn't want to bring anything else, he was afraid that his demons would attach themselves to everything in his small dorm so he was going to leave a lot.


-Let me come over, please I still know nothing about you so I think it's only fair that I interviewed you

That made him really nervous, what was he trying to find out? Did he know about that night back in high school? That was impossible right? There was no one he knew he must just be saying that to actually get to know him.


-Ummm okay yeah sure

He sounded really nervous in his text but he truly was, trying to think about what kinds of things Namjoon would want to know. He tried to not think about the worst which was a little hard but he just put his phone away on his nightstand with his screen face down. He didn't want to think about the feelings he had rushing through his body right now. He didn't want to think about anything.

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