«12» The start of something new

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It was over, it was finally over, he was stressed and not stressing about this for a few weeks now. He sat there in his last class turning in his last exam, the weight of this week has completely been lifted off of his shoulder. He let a single sigh escape his lips, he hasn't felt this at ease in a long while, no one could make him feel any less accomplished at this moment, not even Hoseok.

He started to pack as soon as he got back to his dorm, he didn't need to pack everything, just the things he needed. Like clothes, his toothbrush, and maybe hair products he didn't really need anything. He pulled his suitcase into his room and plopped it down on his bed, this was all he was going to take, everything he could fit into this huge suitcase that he had the sense he moved into the dorm. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket which was a weird feeling but he pulled out his phone to see a text, from Namjoon.


-Hey Minnie how were finals?

He smiled at how Namjoon cared enough to ask, his finger trembled over the chatbox wondering if he would respond right now or what a couple of seconds. Before he could think his thumbs started to dart around the keyboard.


-Hey, they were fine I guess I'm currently packing

He wanted to ask when he was allowed to go over and start to get comfortable, he was supposed to leave his dorn by tomorrow night so he didn't know the plan. He didn't have to think much longer before his phone buzzed yet again this time in the palm of this hand.


-I can't believe that you actually agreed to come live with me during the break! This is going to be so fun, I can help you pack if you want.

His heart yet again fluttered, why was he so excited?


-No it's okay I'm only taking a suitcase so I'll be fine....when do you want me to come over? I have to be out of here tonight so maybe tomorrow?


-Tomorrow? I was thinking more along the lines of today.

-Only if you want omg I guess this should be up to you, I have already cleaned the guest bedroom so whenever you want to come over is fine by me.


-Well it's your apartment so it's whenever you want me to come over, I just don't want to storm into your life like that.


-Don't say something that ridiculous Jimin, it's okay I can't wait until you get to be my roommate. How about today? Oh gosh, I sound desperate now don't I?


-Don't be ridiculous I can be over there in a couple of hours if you want, I have just a few more outfits to pack and I'll be there.


-Alright I'll be waiting

-I don't mean it like that, I won't be sitting here actually waiting I'll do something

-ignore me wow I sound crazy.

Jimin giggles locking his phone and throwing it on his bed. He tried to manage his racing heart but it was no use, he just tried to ignore it as much as he could. He thought about Namjoon the whole time he packed, he didn't mean to but he couldn't help it. He was rushing so much he almost forgot to pack his toothbrush, he just wanted to go. He wanted a new room to sleep in hopefully one that doesn't give him sleep paralysis like last night.


There was a ticking sound coming from the dorm clock that was nailed to the wall above his desk. The immense ticking never bothered him until this moment, where he laid there not being able to move a muscle. All he could do was count the tick sounds as he felt pressure being put on his arms and legs. He sighed knowing how normal this was and tried to wiggle his fingers but they didn't feel like they were moving. His heart rate only started to increase when a shadow came over his body letting the room fall into even more intense darkness.

His mind went wild trying to remember a way to get out of this before something happened, but it was too late. A dark figure climbed onto his bed making its way over to the boy laying there frozen. Jimin could feel a cold finger drag up his arms feeling as though the nail was cutting into his skin. His breath became labored as he felt a hand press against his throat, he wanted to scream but the air was trapped behind the cold hand forcing his airway closed.

What felt like hours only took a couple of minutes, it was only a matter of time before the shadow disappeared into the walls. Only a matter of time before his body shot up in an attempt to escape what had just left.


He took a large breath of the cold winter air as he stood on the sidewalk, suitcase on his left on the ground. He stared up at the apartment complex not knowing if he should have texted Namjoon he was heading over, that was something he should have thought about but didn't. It was too late anyway he put his dorm key at the front desk so he couldn't go back until the break was over.

He stomped over to the elevator pressing the button to go up to Namjoon's floor. His heart was racing telling himself that he wasn't allowed here and that he should just turn back and go home. It was too late to go home and he knew that but he couldn't help but think about it. It was too late to think when he stood in front of the tall's door, taking a million deep breathes before knocking on the wooden door. He stopped in his tracks when he heard another male voice talking, at first he thought he was at the wrong door. His fist froze mid-air but quickly dropped when the door opened to reveal Namjoon making Jimin sigh in relief. But who was the other voice?

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