«14» It's storm weather

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« Let me know if you need anything okay? » The sun had gone down, it has been dark for a couple of hours now and the two were getting tired. Jimin yawns as he nods his head leaving Namjoon to walk away giving the younger a small smile before going down to his own bedroom.

Jimin just stood there in the guest bedroom, it was a bit cold that's why there was a pile of blankets on the bed. Namjoon was concerned that Jimin would get cold so he took every single blanket he had and threw it in the room just in case. Jimin found it cute the way he ran around trying to get as many blankets as he could find.

He sighed looking into the room, there was a closet and a dresser, which was basically what the room consisted of, and the queen-sized bed against the wall. It was bigger than his dorm which made him laugh. He unzipped his suitcase feeling really weird unpacking in someone else's apartment. He put all of his clothes in the dresser since it was easier, all of his clothes were already folded anyway.

He was really nervous for the first night, he was used to sleeping alone but he had this fear that his own demons would take over the apartment. He had to tell himself that the demons he sees at night were just in his mind but the fear took over most of his thoughts. He took a deep breath as he got ready to crawl into bed, he brushed his teeth and slipped into some pajamas.

The bed was really comfy, compared to his twin bed in his dorn this was heaven. He was laying there staring up at the ceiling trying to compartmentalize all of his emotions. His body jumped and he sat up when he heard knocking coming from the room door, he gripped the bed duvet as the door swung open. He took a big breath sighing when the door fully opened to reveal Namjoon, he doesn't know who else it could be.

« Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you. » Namjoon giggled walking further into the room looking around to see that the younger had made himself comfortable. Jimin released his strong grip on the blanket nodding his head.

« Yeah, I'm fine. » He gulped and looked out the window, it started to rain lightly against the window and they both looked over as the speed of the drops increased sounding like small pebbles hitting the glass.

« The forecast says it's going to storm these next couple days, hopefully, you don't have any plans today because they deem it unsafe to leave. » Oh that was just perfect, that's what Jimin was thinking, not if something went wrong he wouldn't be able to run or really go anywhere.

« I don't so it's okay. » He looked down leaving the room in silence for just a few moments before.

« Well again if you need anything I won't be far, just knock on my door or come in it doesn't matter if it's 3 am okay? » He wouldn't care if Jimin woke him up he just wanted to make sure his guest had everything that he needed, that was the most important thing to him.

« You got it, sleep good Joonie. » His eyes widened when he let the pet name slip, he felt super embarrassed and completely missed the light pink blush that spread across Namjoon's face.

« Sleep good Minnie. » Jimin finally glanced over to see Namjoon wink and bite his lip, those actions only lasted a second but it got Jimin's heart pounding. He smiled as the bedroom door closed leaving the room in silence, well the only sound coming from the hard rain hitting against the glass of the window.

It didn't take him long to fall asleep, he laid back down looking up at the ceiling. Soon his eyes got heavy and before he knew it his body jolted before falling deep into sleep. It felt like he has been asleep for hours but in reality, it has only been a few minutes when his pretty brown eyes opened to the cold room in front of him. With a sigh, he tries to sit up but panics when he realizes that he can't move a single muscle. He tries for a couple of seconds before giving up, this was usually the method that he would do.

For a few long moments there was silence, then a buzzing, it sounded like it was coming from the wall his bed was pressed up against. The buzzing turned to a hum which turned to low whispers. The sounds changed quickly but he caught every single sound. The window opened aggressively which startled him making him jolt but that didn't loosen his body at all. A black smoke oozed from outside the window sliding perfectly along the floor and to the edge of the bed.

Jimin's feet were tucked into the sheets which made him feel safer, nothing is safer than under the covers. He felt tears prick his eyes, he wasn't scared it was just an emotion he couldn't control. One tear became two which turned into a waterfall cascading out of his eyes, down his scared pale cheeks. He wanted to scream but the black smoke rose to create a black figure that didn't have any details whatsoever. He knew who it would turn into but he didn't want to stick around to find out so he tried to move every limb trying to get something to budge but there was nothing.

He heard a sound coming from outside of his room, it was loud as the shadow quickly disappeared. As the shadow evaporated Jimin jumped to sit up rubbing the tears from his eyes, at the same time the room door opened after a couple of quick soft knocks on the door. Jimin takes a deep breath when he sees Namjoon walk in with something in his hands.

« Sorry for startling you, I just wanted to give you a small heater, I really don't want you to get cold and this room does get cold. » He set the small heater down standing back up to see Jimin hiding his face almost like he was trying to hide something but chose to not say anything.

« Oh thank you. » That's all he managed to get out as his breathing went rapid and his tears were streaming down his cheeks. He obviously didn't want Namjoon to see the state he was in so he tried to hide in the sleeves of his shirt.

« I'll see you in the morning, goodnight Minnie. » Namjoon smiled over at the younger as he held onto the door about to leave.

« Goodnight Joonie. » Jimin let out a sigh of relief when the door shut leaving him alone in the dark. He wiped the remaining tears from his cheeks before laying back down going back to sleep this time for real.

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