«03» Anyone but him

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« Is it okay if I invited someone over this Saturday? » Namjoon pushed his caramel brown hair away off his forehead as he flipped his page of his math book looking across his coffee table to his friend, Hoseok who looked up with confusion.

« Of course it's okay, we love adding to our group and you know that. » Hoseok raised his eyebrow and squinted wondering why Namjoon even brought it up. He invited a lot of people to this study group, it used to be just the two of them, and besides the more the merrier.

« I don't know he's just kind of kept to himself and isn't the type to just join in on our conversations and stuff. I don't even know if he's going to show up. » He twirled his pencil in his hand resting his chin against the palm of his other hand thinking back to just hours before when he saw Jimin. When he heard his voice for basically the first time as they communicated, he couldn't stop thinking about that small voice talking back to him but he didn't think about it for long because he heard Hoseok laugh.

« It's Jimin, isn't it? » He let out another laugh as Namjoon looked shocked that he knew exactly who he invited over this weekend.

« How did you- »

« Come on, you basically ran after him this morning after class, barely even said goodbye to me. I don't know what came over you or why you ran after him but hey who am I to judge. I did invite one of my crushes over to our group but she never showed. » He laughed at his own misery but he saw the pink blush that danced across his friend's face.

« Well I don't have a crush on him... he's just interesting, mysterious. Like I want to know what he's thinking about in that head of his, why he's always looking out windows, why he's always running away. » His mind went off to see Jimin back in the cafe looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking about that made him constantly drift off.

« You see a mystery and I see a poor boy who just wants to go home and is just here for the degree like most of us. » Hoseok points the butt end of his pencil over towards the older man laughing and shaking his head going back to his notes.

« Well back in high school he was different I guess. » Namjoon shrugged not noticing the way Hoseok shot his head up tilting it to the side like a lost puppy.

« High school? Now you didn't tell me you guys went to high school together. » There was even more confusion in his voice, he didn't even know that and he knew mostly everything about his friend.

« We did, I mean I don't really remember him but I know we went to the same school. He just hung out with the wrong crowd I guess, with Jung-Hoon and the other boys associated with him. I don't know. » The way Hoseok's mouth opened wide when he mentioned that name, the shock that rang through his body, fear that someone associated with that menace got invited into their group.

« Jung-Hoon? Do you mean the boy who got caught with cocaine and the murder of his twin brother? That Jung-Hoon? » Namjoon just nodded, not seeing the fear rush through his friend he just shrugged and continued to write.

« No, no don't just run past this why the fuck did you invite him? Do you know what he can do? » He slammed his pencil down trying to figure out a way to get this through Namjoon's dumb little brain.

« No he's not like that, when I went to go talk to him he seemed innocent, impressionable. I don't think it was his choice to be around that group. » He talked to the younger boy for maybe a couple minutes but nothing in their conversation led Namjoon to believe that he was a bad kid and besides he was the only boy to leave that group and not go to prison right away.

« We'll see but if he shows up and starts acting weird then you have to kick him out, I'm not getting murdered because you wanted to make a new friend. » He now pointed the sharp part of his pencil towards his friend, trying to be threatening but Joon just giggled and went back to his writing.

« Yeah, yeah you'll see. »


'Do I go?' Jimin was still sitting in the same spot in the cafe contemplating whether or not he should go to this little study group. He was supposed to be doing his homework but ever since talking to Namjoon work was the last thing on his mind, he couldn't think straight. The only thing he could think about was this piece of paper. This piece of paper with pen scribbles on it with a small little heart.

'What's the worst that could happen?' He thinks as a loud group of boys stomps up the stairs with coffees in their hands. A loud groan could be heard from Jimin as well as a roll of his eyes, this completely broke him out of what he was supposed to be doing. He wanted to be able to work on his project but he couldn't in these conditions. Also, his mind was buzzing from what had just happened so he decided to go.

He gathered all of his stuff in a matter of minutes, pushing his way through the group of boys to run down the stairs. He threw his half drank hot chocolate away in the trash can outside of the cafe. It was so good but by now it was cold and not enjoyable so he felt the need to part with it, the wind had picked up so he brought the hood of his jacket up protecting his cheeks from the harsh winter winds. He was surprised it hadn't snowed yet but there was nothing he could really complain about, he didn't mind the no snow.

As he walked he heard laughter and talking, everyone was just enjoying their time or they were walking fast to get to their classes. Jimin was happy he had nothing else to do for the day, all he wanted to do was go home, make food and take a much-needed nap. As he walked he felt the coldest chill pass over his body sending chills down his entire being. The staring coming from behind him got more intense as he picked up his pace. The thought of the shadow catching him racking a sort of fear all across his mind, he was almost running. He stopped dead in his tracks when the shadow came from the side of his vision stopping in front of him.

This was the closest the shadow has ever come to him, along with whispering. It seemed like everyone went silent except for five or so voices whispering around his head. He wanted to know where they came from but he was too stunned to turn around and look. He felt paralyzed just standing there not being able to move at all as the clouds above his head just darkened. The shadow was just a little taller than him and took the shape of a human body, this is how it normally looked but soon went to show a face. The blur across this shadow's face started to open up and the face Jimin saw made him want to scream.

Standing there looking as real as ever was Jung-Hoon, the boy that Jimin wanted to run from for his entire life. His eyes widened but he couldn't scream almost like someone was choking him out closing his windpipe. He managed to open his mouth but before he could let out any sort of sound the shadow vanished, the clouds went back to their normal foggy white and the sounds from everyone talking around him came back.

His heart was beating rapidly but everything was back to normal, he looked around to see if anyone had noticed but everyone seemed to be fine. He didn't know what to make of what just happened so he continued to walk on his shaky legs that barely made him back to his dorm room.

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