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Up until Christmas Jimin found himself comfortable in Namjoon's bed, he felt safe and for once he had nights that didn't consist of demons and shadows. He had no idea that this could happen, he didn't see anything that couldn't be explained and for once he got enough to sleep, for once he wouldn't have to put his eye cream under his eyes to try and cover up the dark circles. He tried not to get his hopes up but it was hard not to love every minute of this, he was able to sleep like normal.

He would wake up in the middle of the night sometimes, not to something that would scare him but a hand. He would get scared that it was starting to happen but he would notice that the touch was soft and gentle, something that he never could have imagined. A hand snaked around to his bare waist, his shirt had lifted up which was a normal thing that happened when he slept. What wasn't normal was the warm hand against his skin, he liked it he couldn't deny it. He wanted this touch to last forever but what broke his heart was that this probably wasn't real, he didn't know and besides, he probably thought he was touching someone else.

He liked the fantasy though, pretending that Namjoon genuinely was touching him, he turned around so that he was facing the older. He was slightly sad that Namjoon was really asleep but when he moved the older man placed his hand back on Jimin's waist pulling him close. A blush appeared on Jimin's cheeks as his hand rose. He knew he shouldn't. Namjoon was asleep, this was like taking advantage of him. He wasn't going to do anything bad, just place his hand on Namjoon's fluffy cheek, this was all he wanted to be close to Namjoon like this.

He took a deep breath when he felt Namjoon's hand move up, under his shirt and that made his breath catch in his throat making it hard to finish the breath. This wasn't real and it wasn't right, he grabbed Namjoon's hand and yanked it off of him, he turned back around as a tear fell from his eye. What he did was wrong, he shouldn't have touched him like that without permission, he felt sick but the hand went back and he wanted to cry.

Namjoon's eyes had opened, he woke up by Jimin throwing his body to face him, he tried to go back to sleep but the touch on his cheek kept him from that. He tried to make it look like he was sleeping, he wanted to know what Jimin was doing, however, the hand left and Jimin turned back around taking his hand off of his waist making Namjoon frown. He placed his hand back and this time Jimin didn't move it, however, he didn't understand why Jimin touched him like that. Maybe Jungkook was right, but maybe he wasn't, maybe he was just checking something? Maybe it was in his imagination.

That was so weird, Jimin didn't understand why he did that but by the time morning came, he was in a much more awkward situation. It was Christmas, snow was settling on the ground and the room was kind of cold which was how Jimin explained how they were laying. Jimin's head was on Namjoon's chest and their legs were intertwined together. Namjoon's hand was underneath his shirt against the warmth on his back. He was cold but they were creating warmth together with their body heat. He wanted to move however he couldn't. He felt too warm and comfy and he didn't care. He just pretended to be asleep as long as he could until he heard a sigh and felt Namjoon move.

Namjoon almost kissed the top of Jimin's head in his sleepy state, but he caught himself but the way Jimin's head rested on top of his chest. Oh how he wanted this to be a permanent thing, he wished he could wake up to this every morning but soon the feeling left when Jimin sat up scooting away from him.

« Merry Christmas Minnie. » He tried not to sound too upset from Jimin scooting away, he tried to reach out again but Jimin turned around with his sleepy eyes. His cheeks were puffy and his hair was all over the place, he was really cute and soft looking.

« Merry Christmas Joonie, wow I never really said that to anyone since I was a child. » He laughed, feeling embarrassed as he looked towards the door to the room. He just keeps embarrassing himself with his words, he wants to disappear into the mattress.

« Well, now you can tell me. » Namjoon got up and scooted towards the edge of the bed where Jimin was sitting with his feet now on the floor feeling the carpet under his feet. He sat right next to him, placing his arm around the younger's shoulders.

« I guess, sorry again for not getting you anything, I will do anything you want. » He looked towards Namjoon not realizing that the arm around his shoulders was pulling him closer.

« No, please don't feel like you have to do anything, besides I have a little something planned. So all I need you to do is follow me. » He stood up, reaching his arms out in front of him, Jimin took his hands and stood up right in front of him. He looked up towards Namjoon feeling his heart burn as his hands went from Jimin's hands up his arms and towards his shoulders but stopped abruptly.

« You planned something? You didn't need to do that, I hope it isn't extravagant. » He bit his lip looking down towards the ground, no one has ever planned anything for him so why now? Why was Namjoon planning something for Christmas day? Nothing made sense but it did make Jimin's heart flutter just a little as he followed Namjoon towards the door still holding onto his hand.

They walk into the living room holding hands when Jimin notices a small box wrapped in a light blue wrapping paper on the coffee table. He squinted his eyes because he didn't know when he got there... Was it a present because he thought that they decided that they weren't going to get any presents for each other so what was that?

« First things first... a gift. » Namjoon gestured towards the coffee table with a smile he didn't want to let go of Jimin's hand as they sat down getting more comfortable.

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