«28» A gift

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« First things first... a gift. » Namjoon gestured towards the coffee table with a smile he didn't want to let go of Jimin's hand as they sat down getting more comfortable. Jimin's breath caught in his throat as he looked toward his friend confused about what was going on but he was taken out of his thoughts when Namjoon let go of his hand. He looked down, touching his hand missing the feeling of another hand on his, but the wrapped box was handed to him.

« You didn't have to get me anything, now I feel stupid because you said you didn't want anything but you probably did and now you don't have anything and I feel bad. I'm so sorry. » Namjoon just shook his head at these words, Jimin took the box and looked down at it. He didn't want Jimin to feel stupid because he wasn't.

« No, I seriously didn't want anything but I bought this before we had that conversation. I kind of left early one morning and got it because I didn't want to make you suspicious. » He had to make a special call to even do that, he didn't mind because it was for Jimin no matter if he shared the same feelings or not. He never went to those lengths for anyone, not even his friends but Jimin didn't know that, he didn't know how special he was to Namjoon.

« Only if you are sure I don't want you to feel like I don't like you or anything. » He stared at the pretty wrapping and he didn't notice that Namjoon's arm was yet again going around his shoulders pulling the two close together.

« How about you help me make breakfast and we'll call it even? » Jimin looked over at Namjoon kind of startled when he noticed that they were so close, their noses were almost touching making them both blush and look away.

« Sure... deal. » He messes with the corner of the wrapped box picking at it, he slowly undid the flap of the side of the box revealing a small black box. It was thin and he had no idea what was inside and he didn't notice the nerves that were radiating off of Namjoon.

« I know this is a little much but I thought it would look cute on you. » Jimin takes the top off of the box to reveal a beautiful silver necklace, there was a cursive 'J' which was encrusted with diamonds which shined under the lights. Jimin was at a loss for words, this was way too much, this wasn't a gift that friends would give each other. He wanted to give it back but he was frozen in his spot not knowing what to do.

« W-Why? What? No Nammie I can't take this, this is too expensive. » He tried to shove the box towards the older after his shock had passed, Namjoon took the box and grabbed the necklace holding it up between them.

« You can take it and you will, it was hard for me to sneak off and do this and you were missing something, something sparkly. » He placed the diamond necklace around Jimin's neck putting it on for him, he smiled and traced his fingers along Jimin's back.

« It's beautiful, you really didn't have to, but I do love it. » He touched the 'J' and smiled looking back at Namjoon who was looking down tracing his fingers along the chain of the jewelry.

« Well, you know what you promised so what do you want? We can make waffles? I also have some fruit which would be good. » Jimin nods and the box gets set down on the coffee table as they get up and make their way to the kitchen where Namjoon's fun morning continues.

They were making a special jam topping for their waffles when there was a ding coming from Namjoon's phone. It startled him since he was really into making breakfast for them, he sighs and wonders who it could be and his heart dropped when he read the name... Jungkook. He completely forgot that he had invited him over and he forgot to tell Jimin that he was doing it, he completely messed up. He was at a loss for words as he stood there, wooden spoon in hand phone in the other not knowing how to say this.

« Hey, what's wrong? Do you not like it? » Jimin turned around noticing that Namjoon was looking at his phone, he looked stressed and he didn't know why. A silence took over the room, the only sound coming from a waffle being cooked in the waffle maker.

« No, it's just... sorry I invited Jungkook over and I guess he just got back to town and wants to come over. I completely forgot to tell you I'm so sorry. » His eyes were glued to his phone, afraid to look up to face Jimin.

« It's okay, umm just tell him to come over in an hour once we are done with breakfast. » He wasn't jealous of Jungkook anymore, Namjoon didn't like him or so he said. He did like Jungkook, he was the only one who let him close to him, one of the only ones to genuinely understand him. He wasn't scared of him and that was new, he wasn't scared of Namjoon either so both of them had a special place in his heart.

« Are you sure it's okay? I don't want you to feel like I'm springing one on you. » He held his phone closer to him and looked over to Jimin who was trying to get the waffle off of the maker. He quickly went over to help him, scooting him out of the way so he couldn't get hurt.

« Yeah I'm sure it's okay, he's your friend and you probably want to see him after the break. » Namjoon wanted to roll his eyes, of course, he didn't mind if Jungkook came over, he probably had a huge crush on him. He was probably wishing that he could come sooner and his heart was probably racing; those thoughts were racing through his mind. He didn't realize he was letting his emotions control him this much that he slammed the waffle down on the plate making Jimin flinch.

« I'm sorry uh I'll text him right now. » He quickly gripped his phone and ran out of the room.

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