«0» Flashback

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*three years prior*

« Guys I don't know if this is a good idea. » Jimin was walking behind a group of boys who he called his friends. They always forced him out to do things that he didn't really want to do, they always however didn't care and would drag him anywhere they wanted. Whether that was to get food at the local cafe or walk the cemetery at the dead of night.

« Shut up Min, when are you going to stop being a fucking pussy? » The tall guy leading the group called out, obviously annoyed and you could tell by the tone of his voice. He ran his fingers through his hair before leading the group off the paved path into the night.

« Who even invited this idiot? I could have told you his mommy wouldn't want him walking around in a cemetery at midnight. His mommy has his bedtime set to 9 p.m anyway. » The short stalkier boy said, turning around with an eye roll showing his annoyance with this whole situation.

This didn't make Jimin feel any better, he hugged his arms to his chest as the cold wind kissed his cheeks making them a pretty blush pink. He heard the leader chuckle and that alone sent chills down Jimin's back, scared of running and leaving afraid of what his friends would do to him if he got just a couple steps out of line.

« Shhh guys we're here. » The leader called out to the group, he dropped his backpack that was hanging off of one shoulder down. He smirked as he turned to the rest of the group, everyone shared the same look except Jimin who gulped and looked towards the ground.

He really didn't want to do this but he didn't have a choice, there was nowhere to run and he had no idea where he was in this cemetery because he wasn't paying attention. He wanted to risk it but he didn't know what his friends would do if he were to leave.

« Shall we sacrifice a virgin? » The blonde haired guy asked, he has been silent this whole time walking but seeing the fear take over Jimin's face was asmusing and it just made him laugh.

« God he's kidding Jimin, don't have that scared face we sacrifice animals and you know that. » The leader just seemed annoyed at the whole joke and how Jimin was scared but they weren't there to hurt him just to scare him a little.

« Look at his face! Oh my god he's funny. » The stalkier boy pointed at Jimin who by this point was cowering, he was terrified and he just wanted to call his mom. He wanted to cry to her and tell her to pick him up but she didn't even know that he left the house and that made him scared. If something happened to him then she wouldn't even know right away and she would be worried which was something he didn't want to do with his mom.

As the leader was taking things out of his bag Jimin sat down on a bench that was nearby. He was thinking about how he got here, how he met these boys and why he stuck around with them all this time. He met them freshman year of high school and now they were juniors and he is still stuck to them like glue. He had no choice anyway, no one wanted to be his friend, all the people he went to elementary school with left him for popularity or something better. If it weren't for these boys taking him in he would be by himself and right at this moment he wished he was all by himself.

« Here we go boys. » The leader then pulled out a board that made Jimin's heart just drop, a ouija board, he was warned about these all of his life from his mother. His mother told him never to touch one and there one was, right in front of him.

« Guys just take me home, my mom thinks I'm home asleep.» He took one chance to leave, one moment to run but the whole group of boys just laughed and the leader stopped and walked over towering over Jimin.

« Jung-Hoon just stop, the poor boy is scared. » A small boy just like Jimin spoke up, taking a step closer to the leader who was mad and annoyed.

« Just shut up you're not going home now you hear me? And you, what did I tell you about saying my name when we are doing illegal things? » Jimin quickly nodded before the leader turned around to the other boy who just named dropped him.

Jimin heard the talking continue but his brain got all fuzzy as he looked around, they were at a section of the cemetery that had benches and a small little canopy made by cement and overgrowth from the surrounding trees. There were three boys like Jimin, soft spoken and trapped in this group that was their only way out to not be alone.

« Don't try to run, I see it in your eyes but trust me they know how to find you. » Out of all the mumbled talking he heard there was a crisp voice coming from the side of where he was sitting. He knew what would happen if he would run, the virgin sacrifice would be real and he would be the first victim. He nodded knowing this was it, this would be his life and he would need to run away after they graduate to get away.

« Alright guys, fingers on the thingy. » The leader called out, Jimin snapped out of it and the boys were ready to start, so Jimin got up and walked over. He knew if he didn't put his fingers on it he would get in trouble, maybe even beat so he didn't even question or get upset. He didn't want the boys to see him cry or feel sad and small.

As soon as Jimin placed his fingers down the wind got colder and he shivered, that was something he found weird but he couldn't back out now.

« Is there anyone here with us tonight? » The leader Jung-Hoon spoke up, he was the first one to ask a question but groaned when nothing happened. The planchette didn't move at all and that annoyed him.

« Alright let's try this again. Is there anyone here who would like to talk? » His voice sounded annoyed and if Jimin was a spirit he would not sit down and talk. He sounded mad and he definitely scared everyone who wasn't living away and that almost made Jimin laugh but he was too terrified to do so.

All of a sudden the planchette started moving which startled all of the boys sitting because they thought it was real. But the way Jung-Hoon laughed sent everyone into an annoyed state even Jimin who knew this wasn't going to be serious.

« The ghosts are pussys. » He said with an eye roll as he continued to move the planchette erratically going faster and faster until someone stood up. One of the small boys who was like Jimin, this made his heart completely drop.

« Sit down Beom-soo, fucking idiot. » Jung-Hoon groaned but Beom-soo had taken his fingers off of the board completely and that's when the wind really started to pick up, everyone looked around getting a strong chill when the wind didn't die down.

Everyone then started to talk all at once, everyone took their fingers off the board and when they did everyone stood up yelling at each other. Jimin stayed sitting on the floor trying to get past his fast breathing, he was hyperventilating because everyone was yelling and the lights surrounding them were beginning to flicker. All of a sudden the lights turned off all together causing everyone to shut up for a couple seconds. It got really quiet and dark and the wind even died down to a silent environment and for a quick second Jimin got his breath back.

When the lights came back on the wind picked up again and everyone was yelling, that's when Jimin realized that it was just him, everything stopped just for him because no one stopped their argument and his breathing didn't go back to breathing fast but he was scared. He looked around and saw someone standing a few feet away from the whole group. He couldn't tell who it was but they weren't interacting at all, the wind didn't affect their hair or clothes at all like they weren't even there. It was just a completely black figure. The lights didn't uncover any facial features or anything it was like a shadow.

In another second everything changed, the wind had stopped and no one was yelling. Instead everyone was sitting on the floor with their fingers on the planchette as if nothing happened. None of that happened, everything happened in Jimin's mind which sent Jimin into a panic because he had no idea what just happened.

« Alright this is stupid let's just go home. » Jung-Hoon didn't seem annoyed like he was a second ago because it wasn't real, everyone took their fingers off of the board without saying goodbye and stood up. Jung-Hoon put the board back in his bag as he waited for everyone to follow him.

Jimin was finally able to go home but he wasn't excited. He was more confused but followed the group out. He felt different from when they all walked in but assumed he was just tired because he was, nothing seemed real and he just wanted to go to sleep. He wanted to crawl into his mom's bed and feel protected and that's exactly what he did. His mother didn't question him, just pulled him closer to her body and he fell asleep with ease.

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