«13» The move in

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« Hey, Minnie! I didn't expect to see you this soon. » Namjoon smiled shocked to see the younger standing outside at this moment. He was shocked but he didn't take any time to grab Jimin and pull him into his apartment along with the suitcase rolling in behind.

« Sorry I should've texted first. » He felt super ashamed that he came up here unannounced, and there was another guy here so he felt like he just invaded his space. He looked down feeling super embarrassed, he clenched his suitcase but a hand reaching up touching his face brought him back into reality. It was Namjoon, this was now the second time he lifted Jimin's head up with his fingers and now both of their hearts were racing.

« Don't worry about it! I was actually just leaving. » That wasn't Namjoon's voice... Jimin quickly snapped his head to where the sound was coming from. Namjoon laughed because it almost looked like Jimin was jealous but of course, he couldn't be.

« Nice to see you again though. » Out walked Jungkook, he walked down the hall towards the door, now the three were standing close together making Jimin's fast breathing very noticeable.

« Yeah, you too. » Jungkook patted Jimin on the shoulder before giving Namjoon a knowing look. Jimin wanted to know what that look was but before he knew it the door slammed behind him making him jump just a little.

« Why was he here? » He didn't mean for it to come out the way it did like he was jealous but he couldn't help it. He shook his head trying to get out his thoughts, he felt guilty because he didn't have the right to act like that.

« I mean I-. »

« No ummm, he wanted to see me before going back to see his parents. » He didn't really sense the tone in Jimin's voice because he was already walking down the hallway with the suitcase rolling behind him.

Jimin looked down not realizing that he took the bag from his hand, he looked at his fingers before looking down the hall to see Namjoon had already disappeared into the living room. He was quick to follow his friend into the room, it was really clean which it always was but Jimin could tell it was just cleaned. There were still wipe marks on the coffee table.

« I'll set this in the guest bedroom and you can unpack later, right now you need to each some lunch. Have you eaten yet? » He turned back to see Jimin shake his head, he smiled smally as he rolled the suitcase into the guest bedroom. The guest room was cold, he had to remember that for tonight but for now it was time to cook, one of his favorite activities.

« Do you have anything you want me to make in particular? » Jimin seemed to be frozen in his spot by the living room which made Namjoon do the same. He heard no response to the question he asked so he went up to the younger trying to get him to make eye contact even tho it was no use.

« Are you alright? I won't make anything you don't like. » He tried to reassure him but Jimin quickly shook his head looking up to meet the olders perfect brown eyes.

« No, I'm okay I just feel like we are going too fast. » He met Namjoon not that long ago and now he was staying at his place. This all seemed too sudden and now his world was crashing down all around him as he tried to find a reasonable explanation.

« Well, what else was I going to have you do? Stay in a hotel and waste your money when I have a free-to-use bed here? You're my new friend Jimin and I do everything for my friends as you will come to realize. » He tried to offer a smile but Jimin just shook his head, he was right after all he didn't understand why he was worrying so much.

« Now let's go make ramyeon or something, you can pick what goes inside. » He pats Jimin on the shoulder leading him down the small hallway and into the kitchen where everything was perfectly clean, again. Jimin saw the pattern here and couldn't help but smile because Namjoon cared about the impression he made.

« I have just about everything so if you want something just name it, and if you just want to order in that's totally okay. I don't expect us to cook every single meal. » To be fair Jimin hasn't had a home-cooked meal in a very long time. The only things he eats are things he finds at take-out restaurants and whatever he can make in the dorms microwave.

« I don't care, I like everything. » Jimin shrugged, he kind of just stood there awkwardly as Namjoon went over to the fridge to fetch some things for the ramyeon.

« How about beef? » He questioned, turning over his shoulder to see Jimin standing there with his hands clasped together, almost like he didn't want to touch anything.

« Loosen up, it's okay nothing in here will bite you. » He laughed, that laugh sent shivers down Jimin's spin, making a blush creep up against his cheeks. He quickly moved to not make his pink cheeks noticeable and it worked for the most part.

The two of them went at it making ramyeon for lunch, Jimin loosened up just a little. He didn't really help with the cooking, just cutting up vegetables as they needed because he didn't really know how to cook and Namjoon teaching him made his day that much brighter. They started to eat in the living room, letting a random tv show play as they ate and talked about basically nothing and school which had just ended for the winter. Something did plague Jimin's mind, the fact that Namjoom seemed close to Jungkook even though he mentioned to really only see him during their workouts. Almost the same thing plagued Namjoon's mind, why was Jimin so quick to open up to his friend Jungkook? It just seemed off.

« So... » They both giggled as they said the same word and at the same time, Namjoon gestures for Jimin to speak first which he did.

« So umm did you workout today? I mean you claim to only see Jungkook during your workouts. » Namjoon almost choked because Jimin sounded so jealous and he wish he was, he really wished. He took a deep breath trying to gain his composure as Jimin looked down at his beef-filled spoon.

« No he just wanted to see me, I don't know he has been wanted to get closer to me, I think he has a crush on someone in the friend group. » He laughs trying not to sound hurt, he knew Jungkook had a crush but his sudden wanting to be invited in the group makes Namjoon think that this crush was on Jimin, which made him sick to his stomach.

« Oh... » Jimin's eyes trailed down to the floor, Namjoon was thinking one thing and Jimin was thinking that this crush was on Namjoon which in turn made him sick to his stomach and he didn't understand why.

« He's really mysterious though I don't really know him, it seems like you do, I mean the other day you two were really hitting it off. I've never heard you talk that much. » He stirred his spoon in the broth, they both avoided eye contact and Jimin just sighed.

« I don't know, he was really talkative and you kind of intimidate me. I feel like with him he wanted to know everything and I knew he wouldn't judge or ask too many questions. » This made Namjoon snap his head up.

« Do you think I would? I mean make you uncomfortable like that? I would never, I never ask personal questions and I want you to open up whenever you feel ready. » He defended himself taking offense to what was just said.

« I don't mean it like that, it's just, you're tall, handsome, and literally everyone wants to know you. It's kind of scary for someone like me to be associated with someone like you, looking back at my past especially I could get you hurt and you don't deserve that. » He didn't want to sound mean but it was the truth, he could barely even speak when he was in the presence of Namjoon.

« Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself and you are nothing like Jung-Hoon so don't think that you could hurt me. Okay? I like you Jimin and as a friend, you need to know that I will be here for you no matter what. » He tried to not make it seem like that phrase hurt but it did, his heart broke in his chest at his own words.

« I hope you really mean that. » He truly did because with time Namjoon will see what he is so afraid of, why he finds it hard to be friends with anyone, and how his past could creep up and ruin what they have together.

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