I Make A Fatal Mistake

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Zach's POV

I didn't think this mission was important until I started it. Jake, Alex, and the others all left. I don't remember exactly. Which isn't really like me but, hey, after being hit on the head and knocked out, there's not really much I could know. A few weeks ago, Cassie, Jake, Alex, and I all went to track down 3 agents to bring them to Langley. We got the first one. The second one, well, that's how we lost Jake.
3 days ago:

"Quick, follow agent Perry" I said with my gun loaded and ready. Agent Perry was working as an assassin , but our "sources" confirmed his loyalty to a sniper group. This mission had gone pretty smoothly. The first guy we caught a few days in, Perry took more time. He was great with a gun. Well of course he would be, he was after all, Blackthorne bred.
He might have been a senior the year that Blackthorne did the switch with Gallagher Academy. Anyway you put it, he was good. Jake, Alex, and Cassie were on this mission with me.
"Cassie, run around the left perimeter," I whispered. "And Alex, the right" I finished.
"Should I take the roof?" Jake said. He was new, a lot younger than most agents. Maybe 22 or 23.
"No, you, stay with me" I said pointing my finger towards the ground where I stood. I heard footsteps and turned around to see Perry. I pushed Jake out of the way and we hid behind a car. Perry took a shot and missed.
"Perry, you missed!" I shouted.
"Happens to the best of us Goode" he shouted back.
"Not to you, not to me" I shouted while loading my gun.
"You might be better, but you really think you could take out another Blackthorne?" He said
"Oh definitely" I said almost laughing. I learned from a young age that I can't feel bad for the bad guys. I never felt sympathy for my mother, only Joe. But he practically raised me anyways. I took a shot at Perry, but he ducked and took a shot at me. It hit the top if the car, shattering the windows.
"Jake, I'll distract him, you run, and shoot if you have the chance, but if I- if I," I stutter "If I don't come back in a few, contact CIA and get the rest of the crew to leave." I finish.
"But- but Zach" he whispers. I look away from him and at Perry. I know my odds but if I can make it behind the wall...
"On my count" I say. Perry creeps closer to my right.
"Now!" I whisper as I dive to the left wall and Jake runs around the corner. Good I think, he's safe, for now. I step from behind the wall and Perry and I hold each other at gunpoint.
"We both know how this ends" Perry says
"Yes, and that's with you behind bars" I manage to quip. "You know-" I start to say when I hear footsteps coming from the direction Jake left in. I see him coming around the corner ready to shoot Perry, but it's too late, Perry spots him in the reflection if the broken glass on the ground. Time moves in slow motion as Perry takes his eyes off me and I shoot him a fatal blow, but not until after Perry bullet finds it's way to Jakes chest. Perry slumps over still, dead. I get on the comms unit and contact CIA for a jet. Cassie and Alex get here seconds later. Too late, to be exact. I'm covering the wound with my hands but the bulletin hole it too deep.
"Alex, keep the pressure" I say as I try to find something to sew up the wound, or heck, to even keep it from bleeding too severely. I move Alex's hands away as I inspect it. It's amazing he's been alive this long. The wound should have killed him, but I guess the bullet hasn't hit anything yet. I tell Alex and Cassie to go run and tell the CIA what happened. They nod reluctantly and dash off.
"Pretty dumb of me hu-huh" he whispered. His blue eyes lock on me. There's no use in telling him that he's going to be fine. I learned long ago that we shouldn't fill up people with false expectations, and he knows just as well as I that he won't make it before the jets arrive. With the last amount of strength he has he tries to whisper something, but it gets caught in his throat and he stops shivering, his blue eyes turn glassy, and he lies there, completely still. He was too young, and I couldn't save him. Footsteps, I thought. I think I heard footsteps. I was about to turn around to see who it was and thats the last thing I remembered before someone came up behind me and hit me over the head, hard.

Also I will be working on 2 Gallagher stories. The other one is Zach's POV of the semester at Gallagher Academy when Blackthorne did the switch with Gallagher. This was book #2 of the series (Cross my Heart and hope to spy) be sure to check it out as soon as it comes out.

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