To Take A Bullet

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Zach's POV

I turn on the motor to the boat and Cammie climbs into the back. The CIA rouge asset in Kabul is around the coast. My arm hurts, probably broken, but at least I'm alive.

"Cam," I say looking back "you okay?"

And then I realize she's not. She looks pale contrasted from her tan.

"I'm fine, really" she says.

She knows I won't let it go. I turn off the engine and hop into the back. when I look at the wound I can see it's not as bad as if thought it to be. I look into my backpack for a first aid. The dump the contents out and as if I'm on autopilot. I put the gauze with a chemical Dr. Fibs created (courtesy of Liz Sutton to pack it). I can tell that the shot hurt. It grazed her. Just a few inches away from an organ.

"Cam," I start, "you gotta let me see the wound"

But when she lifts her hand up I can see it wasn't only a bullet. It had a sticky green content. I've seen this before. At blackthorne, when you tried to run away, they usually spiked you with this. Just a drop or two of it to knock you off your game a few days. I'd wager it wasn't just a drop or two, by my guess on how much was used was not to knock her off her game, it was to kill her. And I could already see that the poison bullet, might just.

I can hear the comms now, the static is gone. There are only a few people on the comms. Me, cam, Liz, agent Samuel, and well.. Agent Townsend.

"Liz?!" I shout

"Did you land safely?" "where's cammie?" She replies quickly working on tracking us.

"Liz we are right of the northern coast if Ireland, find me the nearest CIA; hospital safe house?" I say unable to function as I look down at cammie, who is now unconscious.

"20 west, 46 street" Liz replies.

"On it" I say and I pick up the pedal, hoping that she can make it.

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