Mission To Roseville

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Cammie's POV

Zach pulls my arm and walks me into the house. I look around . I look around at the house, it looks so concealed, no photos, only a couch and chair, no rug. It's almost as if they have only been living here for a month or so, but I know that may as well not be the case.

I look over at the girl who is introduced as Sienna. I haven't let my guard down yet, not that is ever. I sit down when Zach sits down too. Sienna briefly explains who Kathleen, her mother- Elizabeth, and her are. How they are related to Zach.

     Before I know it, I'm sitting in a room with Elizabeth.

"Zach, it's not safe for you, nor Cammie here" she takes a glance at me.  

"I know, I just needed some time, to think I guess" he says, his shoulders are relaxed. so he must know her very well.

I'm sitting in the wooden chair picking at my mint blue chipped nails when something Elizabeth says that catches my mind.

"Listen there is someone I need you to find, here's an address, no time to explain but you need to go before they leave, he's not dangerous, trust me but you need to go now" Elizabeth says in quite a rush.

  In a few minutes we are heading down the road as the read the address

  ------1387 Rosemary Court Dr., Roseville, Va. ------

///// sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time, I've been on break and it's kinda hard to keep up but I have all the ideas for the next chapters in my mind so I'll be posting soon/////

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