I Flashback to My Old Life

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Zach's POV

When I get to the little farm house I instantly see Kathleen and Elizabeth by the door. Kathleen runs over and gives me a big hug, she's only 10.
"Hey Kid" I say picking her up and putting her back down. I walk by the front door and lean by the sideboard of the door next to Aunt Elizabeth. Ever since I was little, Catherine had a sister that she wanted to join the circle. She ran away years ago and lived here. Her two daughters live here also.
"Zachary, you've grown so tall!" She says admiring the age. I'm her only nephew so we are pretty close.
"Where's Sienna?" I ask
"Oh she's out with a friend, she'll be back soon," she says looking over the horizon.   "Don't worry" she adds, but it was more of a reassurance to herself than to me. Her husband, Kathleen and Sienna's dad died a long time ago. When Kathleen had just turned two. He went out by the farm with friends and never came back, suppose like Cam's dad, but theirs is still a mystery.  
" I need to find Catherine" I say.
"So it seems we have a lot to talk about" she says looking down at my wedding ring.  "go put your stuff in your room and be down for dinner" she says smiling. I think she always wanted a son, I think she had me, and that was good enough.

   When I get to my room I lock the door and plop myself right on the bed, it's as if I'm 13 and 14 again. Everything was so simple. I guess everything became a ton harder when I winked at a someone and called her "Gallagher girl" I just hope she is okay. I know she must be. Joe must have came around and said everything's okay. I'm only stating for a week or so, so I have nothing to really unpack so I look around in my room. Whenever my mom went on the run or something, she would drop me here. it wasn't until I turned 15 when she and Elizabeth had a fight and promised never to cross paths again, for it would be the last anyone would see of any if them again. the rules didn't apply for me. although only Sienna has seen my mom, Kathleen wasn't born until I was 17. I wonder how Cammie is. If she is okay. If someone got to her. So I just hope for the best and replay all the scenes between us. I replay life. I replay things I should not replay. so I just sit their and do nothing and stare at the ceiling.

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