I Escape

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Cammie's POV

  I slowly wonder back into the world when I fixate on the dark murderous eyes 20 feet away from me. I can't tell where I am, the walls are rugged and wooden palets are placed upon the windows, covering the outside world from what I see, I can't find my mother. Perhaps she is already gone, took her away. I'm left with no one... At all.

"Cameron dear, when you stop evaluating the place we hold you to, we should have a chat" she says serenely.

"No" it short of a respond but defiant.

"Cammie, where is Zach, I've not come to hurt you more than I just want to find him, he is my son after all" she says coming close to me. I see that I have not been tortured, that's a first. But my hands are in gloves tightly woven together do I can't take them apart. I feel a slight breeze and see sons escape from a crack in the window. I realize she's wearing thermal gear, and I have on a t-shirt and cropped yoga pants (No, cammie is not a white girl😂) I'm actually quite cold. I hear people start coming in, paced footsteps on a creaky floorboard. They are shouting codes, codes I know. These are my back up. There is a few if them and Catherine quickly holds a gun to my head.

"Now if anyone shoots, I won't be the only one dead" she says. Little does she know that I'm taking off the gloves. I have already I woven the feet. I need them to leave so I candles without anyone dying in this moment.

"Leave" I tell the backup. It's Claire and  Matthew, they have a kid of something, in their late thirties or so. And just then Catherine whistles and 5 members of the circle shoot anyone but us in sight. The red pools in the backups back makes me want to cry. I knew them. Worked with then over 5 years. But everyone knows that people most likely die in this area of work, it just matters on timing. I spin out of my chair and blast out the window. My head hurts suddenly. but I keep sprinting, they won't shoot, she needs me. It was easier than I thought. So I run down about a mile to a plane station. the circle does things like this, in open sight. I board the next flight to Tennessee. Because Catherine must not have checked me, but I got the device and Zach is going to have explaining to do to why he is in Tennessee.

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