We Think Of A Plan

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Cam's POV:

"What is the plan?" Ryan's questions as soon as we get into the car.

"Well, I actually haven't really thought of much" I murmur, well I know bits as pieces but that won't do much.

"I can find where he is though," I tell him
"go get my bag from the backseat and find a tracking device." I instruct him. He pulls out the device right when I get on the freeway.

"Now look from the initials ZG and find coordinates to it, then calculate it's location." I can't do it because I'm driving, of course. He mumbles a few numbers and racks his brain as he puts pieces together and finally tells me.

"It's a ITT prison" he blandly speaks.

The ITT was responsible for many MI6, Interpol, and CIA deaths. The International Terrorists Team is a huge group of brutal and ruthless people who just want to kill government powered people. People who work for the government, families of those who do, and the people who track them down. A while ago I as on a mission with Zach, having to do with the ITT. But then I was shot and things got very complicated and we dropped the case. But now I'm going right back to that retched prison where get are keeping him. Even if they get information, they'll still kill him, he knows that. I'm guessing we've got about a week until they do so.

"We need a better plan then" I tell Ryan.

We talk for a few hours and take shifts driving until it's 2:30am and the plan is fully developed and we decide to stop driving for the night. We take hold at a motel in a small town and check in a room. I put my stuff on the bed and throw Ryan a pillow to the pull out couch. It's a motel, so it's not the cleanest but it's nice enough for a night.

"We will leave around 6:30" I tell him.

"I can't even sleep" Ryan tells me as his blue eyes fixate at the wall.

"How did you know Zach was in trouble?" I ask him

"He hadn't called in a while and he left me a message about the mission, so when I heard from Celia who told me who died, I had to find you, to you know- get him back" he states.
Celia is his girlfriend who works on case reports, she's usually one of the first to know about what happens in a case.

"I don't even know how he broke out of this prison the last time, he was barely alive" I whisper as if I'm revealing a secret. I guess I am, I thought he was dead.

"If you ask me, he was lucky and he knows they won't let him do it again" he exclaims as he flips his pillow and grabs his runaway bag. I'm thinking about our plan when he pulls out a beer and opens it.

"We can figure it out you know, we always do" I encouragingly tell him.

"Since when did you get so optimistic?" He asks and takes a swig of his beer. I don't reply, maybe because I don't know why or maybe because I think it's true. I pretend to sleep for a while but i can't, I don't know how to with him being in danger.

"You're not even sleeping are you?" Ryan asks.

"I can't" I say, and somehow he doesn't argue. And I realize why, he's not sleeping either. It's useless, we need to find Zach. I lay facing the ceiling and think about him.

Number of fatal situations he could be in: 326
Number of times that any of them could be going on: 326
Number if ways I can get to him at this moment: 0

I wonder if he's sitting in a cell dying, wondering if I can save him. Is he even alive?

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