Case #53

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Zach's POV

  "Case 53," The man across from me starts. "What was it!" He shouts. I can't give him anything, so I just smile.

"Zachary, now we can go about this a certain way" He starts to say

"Whichever way you'll just kill me" I try to give him some snarky comments but my hands are shaking under the desk. Being a spy is almost like being an actor, playing a role. As long as you sell your part, you don't have to really become it.

"You're right. But you can tell me about case 53 and then I can just shoot you, or I can just make you tell me" he responds, opening his briefcase to show me the dozens of hand crafted sharpened blades that sit carefully in each row.

"Pick your choice" He replies in his monotone voice.

"You know where I stand" I say. I've always been okay with dying for a cause and that was never a problem until these last few years. Leaving kids without parents is the worst thing you can do to someone, just ask most of the spies kids.

"Suit yourself" he says. I can't tell what he looks like under the mask. He's big and buff with a cold harsh voice. Except when he picks up the little blade it's with a gentle touch. He walks over and I  hold my breath. My feet are chained tight to the floor and my hands are tied together. He quickly takes my hands and  ties them behind me. He then brings out the little blade and turns on the button on the side of it. I can see the blade buzzing with electricity.

"That's better, now one last chance. Tell me about case 53 ". I close my eyes and hold my head high.

"Wrong choice" he says as he plunges the blade to my neck and I stifle a scream.

"Make this easier on yourself and just tell me" he pleads. I'm willing to bet his job is riding on this, maybe even his life. If I go down, he can go with me.

"Never" I spat and he takes the blade to my back, barely piercing my skin but just enough to give me enough watts to almost pass out. Luckily we underwent training like this in Blackthorne, I can survive a whole round of this.

"Alex, Alex Booth. He's dead, you let him die. You're willing to risk it all, his sacrifice for you, just for you to die here" he says, I say nothing. I Don't want to give him anything.

"You think your kids will be proud to hear about that?" He taunts me, trying to push my buttons and boy it does.

"Leave them alone or I give you nothing!" I yell trying to break free from my chains.

"Now now, everytime you don't tell me about case 53 I can personally tell the men right outside this door to go find them, I'll find Cameron too. I wouldn't   want to break up such a touching reunion.  Let's see how it feels when it's them being tortured" he taunts and laughs a cold, harsh laugh.

"Don't touch them. I'll tell you" I tell him. But I have a plan. I just need time. If I can slowly tell him little, irrelevant things about the case, it can bide me time to escape, or perhaps for someone to find me. Please find me, I plead to no one.

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