My Family Gets Even MORE Complicated

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Zach's POV

We are 20 minutes and 53 seconds away from Roseville and I'm bored out of my mind. Not only does the radio not work but Cammies painting her toenails a mint blue (her favorite color). I slip my hand in my hair and look straight ahead. A few minutes later later Cam sticks the nail polish in the compartment and put her hair in a messy ponytail. She climbs into the backseat of the convertible and grabs a few things. As she comes back to the front seat she says "heads up" and tosses me a gun.  Catching it, I roll into rosemary court dr. The houses are small and in the back of the neighborhood is apartment buildings. I park the car and I'm about to tell her to wait until I get her so I can scope the place out when I look over, and she's already making a beeline towards the apartments.

"Gallagher girl," I say running in front of her. "You could just stay in the car till I get you" I state smiling

"That's ok, I'll go with you" she says

"Plus I'm better at these things then you" she adds laughing. We both know that I've had more- no, different training. I've been carrying guns since I was 14,Gallagher girls hadn't used one until they were 16. I'm top of that, as I've known is that we use them for attacking and killing and they use them for self defense, it's a different ball game.

"I'm going either way Zach" she states and clearly she thinks she's won, so I let her roll with it. but whatever she says, I'm first line.

I ring the bell and point the gun by my waist. Cam is beside me, away from the door.

A guy opens the door and the first thing I see us a gun in his back pocket. So instinct I point it at him and he points it at me.

"Woah, what this?" the guy asks. He has light brown hair and green eyes, about 30 years old, 6'3 feet tall.

"Who are you?" I say

"Why are you here?" he asks and cammie steps out with her gun pointed at him.  Seeing her he adds "looks like I'm outnumbered" he says laughing

"I was sent by someone" I say

"Wait, what's your name?" he asks looking like he saw a ghost

"Zachary Goode" I state. as soon as I say it his gun drops to the ground and he stumbles back just a little.

"I know you" he says  " I know you," he says having a smirk on his face

"Because my name is Ryan Goode" ....

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