My Mom Stalks My Friends and I

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Cammie's POV

When I get up it's 9:45. he's already awake so I get up.

"Morning" he says as I walk by the edge of the door. "I'm going to see Joe, you want to stay with Rachel- er, your mom?" He adds.

"Yea sure" I say. "I'm surprised I slept in this late, well more surprised you didn't wake me" I say with a quick laugh.

"Yea well, sleep is good for you" he says flashing a grin.

When we get into the car, we drive a while until we get to my mom and Joes place.

"Call me when you'll be picked up" he says as I grab my bag and walk go the doorstep.

"Oh and cam, be careful" he means good so I slip the key into the slot and walk into my mothers house.

"Mom I'm home" I shout towards the railing.

"Hey kiddo!" my mom says from the living room in which I then make my way towards. "How have you been?!" my mom says as she comes in for a hug.

"I'm good, and you?" I say looking at my mom. Her hair is still a shiny black and her skin is still clear, but she is more stressed and the more I look at her the older she gets so I look away.

"I'm good" she says

"So what have you been doing?" I ask risking a glance at the computer screen. It has trackers and timers.

"What is this?" I ask. She sees what I'm looking at and closes the computer screen, stepping in front of it. I push her aside and open it up.

"Mom, who all are you tracking?" She doesn't respond so I look at the initials on the trackers. Almost like she's stalking us (more of tracking but you get my point).

CG (Catherine Goode)

CAM (me)

ZG (Zachary Goode)

JS (Joe Solomon)

RB (Rebecca Baxter (bex))

ES (Elizabeth sutton (Liz))

MM (Macey McHenry)

GB (Grace Baxter)

AB (Abe Baxter)

AC (Abigail Cameron)

ET (Edward Townsend)

And some no named people

Only one of the people surprised me. Catherine. Except the tracker was in my moms pocket, which meant that she doesn't have the tracker in her yet. Scarier, I don't know how I got my tracker.

"Mom, when did I get my tracker? and where?" I ask

"It got inserted into your arm and you got it a long time ago" she says without missing a beat.

"Oh" I say.

And just then, the trackers for Zach and Joe are scattered across what we thought of to be a lake.

"The trackers!" my mother says.

"Those are the trackers! They must have found them !! let's go!" she says running to the door with me.

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